Weird Feelings*

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(Cont from Alaina's POV)

I felt my fingers begin to twitch as Harry's eyes reopened in a familiar flutter, "Harry, Are you Awake?" I uttered softly, coiling my fingers together in faith.

"Nah, I'm sleeping with my eyes open." His slow voice replied as his body raised, "Why am I in a hospital room?"

"You fainted, the doctor said that It was just the shock talking. There's nothing physically wrong with you..." I say quietly, "Why did you faint anyways?"

Harry stared at his hands blankly as If all of his memory dwindled and there was nothing left, "I-I really can't remember."

"Hi Harry, are you feeling okay?" Dana's voice entered the room, creating me to receive pins and needles. As if it was bad enough having Harry in the hospital, Now Dana was going to be all nice? I know It is crude to just assume but I didn't have a good sense about her and I didn't want her to hurt Harry anymore whether it be physical or emotional.

"Ugh, I'm Better." Harry said tepidly as he tilted his water bottle that appeared on the side of the table to his lips and began to gulp it down until the bottle made a cracking sound. I brung my eyes to his eyes and saw the pain that stood out of his grassy green eyes.

"I'm just going to go now. . ." I spoke uneasily as I began to rise from my chair.

"No, you can stay. I was just leaving actually." Dana emphasized as she strolled past, sending me a half-evil smile.Okay I most definitely don't have good feelings about her . . .

"So what was that about?" Was my first question once Dana was nowhere in sight.

"That? Oh it was nothing." Harry shrugged, as he reached up to rub the sleep away from his eyes.

"Okay." I sighed, not wanting it to turn into a mondo arguement both of us could not just dismiss. Harry and I rarely argued and If we did it wasn't over anything big and It was just play-argueing like best friends, but not the kind of best friends who borrow eachothers makeup and whatnot. We were the kind of best friends who share secrets, share several kisses per diem, and snuggle. Okay, yeah I know that's more like dating but there was more to just dating than you think.

It takes a lot of commitment to say someone is your boyfriend or girlfriend, basically your saying that you'd give the world to them and that you strictly wouldn't make eyes at other people. Sure, we always look but that doesn't mean we can touch and/or do something utterly stupid that can jeoprodize a great relationship.

"So how are you feeling?" I examine, slipping in the empty spot beside him and pressing my lips together. I really hoped he was good, but considering everything that was going on I wouldn't be shocked If he said he didn't know how he felt.

"I feel...numb. I don't know what I'm feeling right now." Harry waived, "How are you feeling?"

"I. . . I. . ." I paused briefly to study my feelings. I truly didn't know how I was feeling, an hour ago I was all on the edge of my feet, a half-an-hour ago I was sobbing like a newborn baby, and now I was just dealing with the aftermath of Harry waking up. He just didn't seem the same. "I don't know either."

"Babe, I'm sorry I'm just really burned out." Harry says, as his eyes stamp on mine and for a second, my heart rips in two. It just seems like maybe his love for me has disappeared and I just didn't know why.

"There's something going on." I realized, taking my hand and placing it over his, creating me to get the fuzzy feeling I always get in my tummy to rumble again. No, The touch was still the same so It wasn't like he didn't feel for me anymore, It was just that he didn't have any way to express it since he just woke up.

"There's nothing going on." He denied, his hands twitching away from my firm hold.

"I don't believe that." I acknowledged, feeling a unfamiliar tugging on my heart. This wasn't right, no matter how many times Harry forsweared of it, What was going on that I didn't know about? and why was it bothering me so much? It was like Natalie and Alvin all over again . . .

"It's nothing personal, I'm tired and that's all that is."

"That isn't just it! Your keeping secrets to me!" I silence for a midsecond, "You swore you wouldn't keep things from me."

"Alaina, stop being so frustrating!! Sometimes people have to keep things from their loved ones so they don't get hurt!" Harry yelled.

"This isn't working." I whispered desperately, finding myself jumping up from the hospital bed once I hear Harry's loud tone bouncing on the thinnish walls.

"What isn't working? Us? It's just one stupid arguement Alaina, It doesn't mean the world is ending." Harry retorted, creating me to roll my eyes in pure rage.

"You know I can't handle things well Harry so please stop yelling at me!!" I simmered down as Zayn, Louis, Liam, and Niall arrived on the scene spontaneously.

"Is everything okay Harlaina?" Louis teased as he came over and pulled me to him, like a momma bear would to her cub.

"Everything is fine." Harry completed as he looked up at me, "Alaina is just being emotional."

"Harry!" Niall shouted in a high voice, earning gasps from the rest of us. He never even raised a fist to hurt someone, so why was he raising his voice now? A part of me was happy that Niall stood up to Harry, but part of me wished that Harry would be a gentleman and just not yell at me period.

"I'm sorry Alaina. You should just go." Harry's usual softly-slow voice came out in a raspy one, that I wasn't very familiar with. This isn't right.

"Come on Alaina, we'll take you back to the flat." Liam invited as he placed his hand on the small of my back and began to walk me into the hallway, the boys following meekly behind like they had no idea what just happened.

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