* Lighting the first match

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~ Harry

"Please Please don't tell her." I begged as my shamrock green eyes bored into hers in mercy. I couldn't take another minute knowing Alaina and I's relationship was beginning to break because of it, what happened between Dana and I was nothing. But what happened between Alaina and I was more than real and I couldn't let her take that from us.

"Aww, Little Harry, begging for mercy. Can't say, I've never seen that happen." Dana disclosed as she began to ran her fingers through my brown curls in deep concentration. "You know I've always loved your curls, It'd be a shame if someone you know cut them off."

"You can mess with me, Dana but you sure can't mess with the other boys. Now what do you bloody want?" I asked impatiently as I pushed her away from me, flinging her a few steps backwards.

"Your know suppose to push girls, curls." Dana groaned lowly as she began to brush herself off.

"and your not suppose to be here, Your just complicating things!" I said frustratedly. "You know I'd get it if there was an actual purpose to you visiting but there really isnt! Admit it, you came just to spite me. You want payback for me breaking your heart but guess what, sometimes you just have to let it go! I'm sorry for breaking your heart and leaving you behind, but I am not sorry that I choose Alaina and I'm not leaving her for you."

"I'm not here for you, egotistical brat." Dana scoffed as she stared down at her nails. "I came here so that I could promote my album and I know just the way to do it." She paused. "Your going to be my fake boyfriend, you are going to dump Alaina in the face of your romance, then I'm going to become famous and then maybe I wont tell her that you did the same thing to me a year back."

"A lot has changed in a year. I'm a different person now." I mumbled incoherently

"That's bull. You just don't want to come down from yoru high pedastal because your afraid that someone might steal it for good. But you know what, I have more stuff to pin on you, stuff that Alaina doesn't know!" Dana threatened as she tilted her chin up in confidence.

"What else?" I became intrigued. "What else could you possibly have on me that I don't have on you? I'm sure that the papparazzi would love to know about how you didn't actually donate all the money you earned from your first album to the poor, but you used it to by clothes made out of actual animal fur, or that time where you actually yelled at a fan who obviously adored you. No matter what you have on me. I'll hit you tenfold harder."

"I'm pregnant and It's your baby." Dana pasted a smirk on his lips creating my whole mind to become a blur. . .


~ Alaina

I watched intently as Harry and Dana spoke intimately, with eyes so on-the-edge they looked as if they were going to pop out of their sockets and me? If you asked, I was just to caught up in the way they were speaking to even worry about the goosebumps that were crawling up my body in anticipation. I wanted to know If there was anything between them, any spark we didn't have so that I wasn't surprised if one day, He comes to me and says, "I want to break up."

I found myself even more on my seat when Dana ran his fingers through his hair and brought her eyes to his lips as If she was planning on placing a wet one sooner of later, just out of desire. Oh god this was bothering me...but I couldn't look away.

I hopped up in reflex as Harry's body fell to the ground with a thud, and rushed towards his side pressing my hand behind his neck, "Babe! Babe! Get up!" I threw orders at him, as a tear slid down my cheek. I didn't know what was going on and that was what was scaring me.

"Relax, He just fainted." Dana said with a hitn of annoyance in her voice creating me to roll my eyes in digust. She shouldn't tell me how I should feel.

"He's my boyfriend! He could have had a heart attack or something! You know how hard the boys have been working?" I whined as I tried to help Harry up, but failed once he slipped from my grasp.

Hey it wasn't easy carrying a eighteen year old boy!

"What happened?" Exclaimed Niall as he ran out of the house frantically.

"He fainted!" I responded hetically, Niall's nervousness beginning to make me crawl with anxiety. If Niall was nervous, I was too.

"Get Liam,Louis or Zayn to call the ambulance; I left my phone in the house!" I ordered as I planted soft kisses on his collarbone, and placed my cold hands on his warm skin. This was making me crazy, not knowing what was wrong and all. I've never been so disheveled.

But I had to admit, I had a pretty good reason to be upset right now.

"Wait, Alaina!" Niall shouted before stepping back into the house, creating me to place a hand on my hip in anger. I just wanted him to do this steadfastedly so that Harry was at the hospital and I had a good chance of figuring out what was going on with him. "Natalie is here."

I followed his eyes into the house and I breathed nostagically. I didn't really have the time for these games. "She shouldn't be here." I let roll out off my tongue smoothly.

She knew very well that I was mad at her and I didn't mind staying mad at her; She was secretly seeing Alvin behind my back! How messed up was that? Especially since he was twice her age!

"I know you might care to disagree, but she is your best friend and she really wants to patch things up." Niall says softly. "I'll take Harry to the infirmary and I will call you when I figure out what is wrong with him, just go and try to work things out okay?"

"No Niall!" I protested as I grinding my teeth hard against one another, "and We we're best friends." I corrected as I began to strip Harry of his hoodie. He was burning up!

"I'll take care of it, Alaina." Niall states firmly, sending chills up and down my spine. I didn't like the feel of this, I wouldn't be a very good girlfriend leaving him without me. I wanted to show him that I cared about him, after all I was his girlfriend and It was my job sometimes to take care of him when he was feeling ill. He would do the same for me, right?

"No, even thought your one of his really good friends, Niall. I want to be next to him when he wakes up, I want to ask him what was wrong. I want to be there for him." I argued as I ran my long fingers through my long side bangs finding my cheeks damp with tears by the time I went to meet Niall's crystal eyes.

"Fine. I'll tell Natalie to wait here then." Niall sighed as he gathered himself and walked nimbly into their flat with a frustrated smile glowing on his lips.

I know that Niall must be undoubtedly infuriated with me, but I needed to be by Harry not just because it was where I was stood, because I was meant to be there. Ever since the beginning I've been trying to hide my underlying compassion towards him and now, It was my time to show him what he really meant to me. I didn't want to ruin that.

"Harry, You will be okay." I finally said, whilst placing my lips on Harrys in a chaste kiss. Please oh please. . . let it be nothing too serious.

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