Space Invaders

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(The brothers are all in the bathroom getting ready to go to bed. Mark's brushing is hair, Duncan's flossing, CJ and DJ are brushing their teeth, Luke's taking a bath in the sink, Leo's applying dabs of ointment, Casey's rubbing some purple facial cream, Mikey and Raph are fighting over the toothpaste, and Donnie's jotting down notes)

Casey-🎵I'm washin' my face, 'cause it make me feel so good as I scrub!🎵

Duncan-(with floss in his braces) Hey look! I'm at a floss for words! Hahaha!

Mark-I brush my hair exactly fifty times to keep it nice. 36, 37, 38...

Leo-Hey Mark, how old was that girl who asked you out?

Mark-16, 17, 18, 19...

Raph-Hey! I had the toothpaste first!

Mikey-No, I did.

Raph-Keep your spooky hands off it!

(While the boys get ready, April pops in and looks around and snatches the toothpaste out of Raph's hand)

April-I'll take that.

Raph-Hey! Learn to share!

April-(accidentally dabs toothpaste on Luke's head and hands the tube back to Raph) Space...the final frontier. As you might imagine, with ten brothers, space is limited. (notices he missed his toothbrush and gets the paste off Luke's head)

Everywhere you go, you gotta deal with the crowds. But being the only girl in the family comes with a perk.

(April's room)

April-You hear that? Me neither. While my brothers all have to share bedrooms, I get my own. Sure it's just a converted linen closet, but it's my own space. My own little oasis in the sands of the Crowd House. And I wouldn't give it up for the world)


April-Hold on a sec. (goes to the hallway and sees the brothers minus Mikey and Raph standing outside Mikey and Raph's room)

Raph-Seriously! You're always being Mr. Gloom and Doom! Would it kill you to smile once in a while?!

Mikey-It would. And would it kill you to lay off sports for a little while?

Raph-It would!

Mikey-I'm still waiting for you to apologize for scratching my coffin.

Raph-Oh boo hoo. The whittle goth's coffin got scratched. You must be tearing inside.

Mikey-It takes more than that to break my spirit, you don't understand my pain.

Raph-There you go again with the "Poor me, nobody understands me" act. Give it up! Will ya?!

April-Leo, what's going on?

Leo-Raph and Mikey are at it... Again.

Duncan-I'd make up a joke about fighting but I can't think of a good punchline! Ha haha! Get it? Get it?

Mark-I can't watch this. (puts cucumbers over his eyes) That's better.

Donnie-(gets out tape recorder) Humans seem to be proving Charles Darwin's theory correct.

Leo-I'd sure hate to get in the middle of this one.

April-I totally agree.

(April's room)

April-Another perk to having my own room, you don't have to deal with others getting in your way.

(knock at the door)

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