January 6, 2018
I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. It was early but I fell asleep early last night too. Or afternoon I should say. My body ached but I managed to pull my self out of bed. The struggle is real though aye. I limped out of the room. As soon as Harry saw me he ran and carried me to the couch. He brought over a plate of breakfast.
I don't plan on doing much today. Apparently I will get a letter or call by the doctor later today to tell me about these tests. I don't really see the big deal of this but anyways. Harry got time off work just to make sure I was ok. I said he should go to work but he told me I was too important.
My cuts were cleaned yesterday while I was passed out. I still needed a shower though. Harry helped me to the bathroom. He unwrapped my arms and legs and all the cuts. I could see slight pain in his eyes when he revealed them. I felt horrible. Putting so many people through grief because of what I have done. Not the first.
As soon as the water hit my legs my knees dropped. It was painful. Harry came right in to make sure I was ok. I cried. He turned the water off and grabbed a towel he carefully wrapped it around me and picked me up. He placed me on his bed.
I wasn't crying because of the cuts. I was crying because of what I did to myself. This was the worst I'd hurt myself. Even when I was in a bad state I never done shit this bad. I don't know why my knees gave in. It wasn't because of the cuts though. I had this feeling of nausea this morning and that feeling came back when the water hit me.
Harry made me a bath and helped me get into it. I didn't care if he saw me naked at this point. He was there for me and that's all that mattered. Once I got out and was back on the couch I got the call.
"Hello" I accepted the call
"Is this asha" a deep voice asked
"This is she" I answered
"I got you're results" he paused
"Yes" I waited
"There were a few reasons why you may have passes out but there is one main one. First because one of your cuts were really deep and just missed the vain. Two because you were dehydrated. And three....." He paused again
"Please. Just say it" I said impatiently
" because you're pregnant" he finished
Ok. Um another Chap. Don't be scared to tell me your opinions in the comments I love hearing readers thoughts on my bad writing. Oh yea um forgot to mention that the next chap will be the last and longest chap of em all. Well I hope i make it long. Aha well anyways as always hope you enjoyed x

naughty new years
Historia Corta✔Completed✔ The naughty new years that changed how i would live forever...