3. 5🇬🇧

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Edited: 21st June 2019


"We're in" Jacob replied


"No." Bella replied, her foot stomped on the floor like a child and she looked to the Cullen's angrily "You'll get yourselves killed, no way." She replied quickly

"I wasn't asking for permission." Jacob replied a small smirk on his face

"Edward." Bella whined and Elle rolled her eyes.

"It means more protection for you." Elle commented off hand and Edward nodded agreeing with his soon to be sister-in-law.

"Jacob. Do you believe Sam will agree to... an understanding?" Carlisle asked he looked between the wolves who all shared a look,

"As long as we get to kill some vampires." Jacob replied eyeing up the Cullen's and Elle, he didn't want to admit it but the pack were kind of scared of Elle she could tear them limb from limb with a flick of her wrist. 

"Jasper?" Elle asked, they discussed different battle strategies late one night and Elle wondered if the wolves would fit in with what they planned.

"They'll give us the numbers" he stated to his fiancee "And the newborns won't know they even exist." Jasper replied  his voice bounced around the office.

"That'll give us an edge." Carlisle agreed and Elle nodded turning to Jake she gave a small smile

"We'll need to coordinate" she replied to him softly but Bella wasn't having it.

"Carlisle, they'll gonna get hurt." Bella begged him

"We'll all need some training," Elle could see him struggle to ignore the human but this wasn't just about her anymore, this was the safety of the town now "fighting newborns requires knowledge that only Jasper has. Elle will be able to coordinate with him" He replied he send Bella a 'I'm sorry' look which she huffed at

"You're welcome to join us." Elle replied she held the hand of Jasper and Jake nodded

"Alright. Name the time and place." He replied and Bella groaned

"Jake...You don't know what you're getting yourself in to." Bella countered and Jake rolled his eyes

Bella...This is what we do. You should be happy." Jake stated with a fake smirk plastered on his face

"Look at us, finally working together," Alice replied some what in a sing song voice Elle groaned but Edward smirked

"You're the one who wanted us to wanted us to get along, remember?" He replied and then smirked at her  "Again, It's a graduation present." Jacob stated which Bella huffed at but didn't make a sound as they planned to meet at 3 am that morning.

The graduation party finished around twelve and Elle, Esme, Rose, and Alice placed their weekend trip on hold and at quarter to three the girls followed their respective partners out to the treaty line where they would meet the rest of the wolves.

"I have a surprise" Elle announced as she lent against an oak tree, the rest of the Cullen's were in little groups but they were listening; they were minus Edward who gone to fetch Bella.

"A surprise?" Esme asked

"You're not pregnant are you?" Emmett asked from his small group of Jayson and Rosalie, Elle rolled her eyes and flipped him off  and Alice smirked in her direction

"Of course they would need to be here" she replied and Jayson who was just about to ask a question shrieked at several loud pops, and the clearing then were in became a lot busier.

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