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Edited 26th June 2019

I am starting to think this is gonna be longer than 55 chapter 😂, so am gonna aim for sixty and hope it's not to long for you guys ☺️

And who else is excited for Avengers: Infinity War? I am legit not emotionally ready for goodbyes or even for this movie my heart is all ready breaking, I hate it; it's like saying good by to Potter all over again 😭... but I can't wait to see how it plays out and how they've done it, I swear this past year has been a long year. And as for part Two it's gonna be even longer 😫😭

I would have had this sooner but as the UK have had a two to three day heat wave I have two very warm very sun-stroked kids who is both grumpy and constantly want me... anyway enough of my ramblings enjoy the chapter ☺️

Quick warning Smut ahead 😉🤫

Elle sighed as she ran a hand through her hair, her eyes danced across the page as she exhaled.

"Bloody hell" she slammed another thick volumed book shut and it thudded around the quiet library, due to the sensitivity of the case, Headmistress McGonnigal had allowed Carlisle, Esme and Elle in to the library after school hours, but Elle had managed to rig it so she was here during lessons looking when Esme and Carlisle couldn't.

Each book they found had nothing on half vampire half human breeds, heck one book gave the reader a warning about going near them, but even so they all had come to the same conclusion - Death.

Elle grasped another book and flicked it open, she sighed but turned the pages not expecting much, flicking through she then froze as a paragraph popped out at her.

'It is rare but not exactly impossible to mate with them, vampire males are able to conceive with a human female, they may go on to have a human-vampire hybrid, also known as half-vampire, vampire hybrid, half-human and half-vampire, and half-immortal, and is the offspring of a female human and a male vampire.

It is generally beyond the ability of most vampires to be this close to a human physically and still resist the lure of her blood. Human/vampire hybrids are therefore an extremely rare occurrence. More details will be found in - Elle smirked and closed the book slipping it in to her handbag.

She knew madam Prince had anti- theft charms in her books but Elle didn't want to lose the said book. Quickly placing the books she didn't need back she pulled the book from her bag, and allowed the librarian to check out the book. Passing it back Madam Prince smiled as Elle exited at a brisk walk the library placing the book carefully in her magical extended bag. Quickly she made her way down to the hospital wing, she waited as Carlisle administer medication to a student and then dismissed him she helped to clean up, but then he indicated to his office in the back; He allowed the medi-witch (who was there to do the magical side of Medicine) to take over.

"Everything okay?" The blonde vampire asked leaning against his desk. Elle picked the book out of her bag, and flicked to the right page, and then handed him the book a small smile on her face.

He grasped it and read quickly, he looked to Elle and smiled.

"This is -" he paused "there is a text about them then?" He asked and Elle shrugged

"The book it mentions is almost 200 years out of date, it's not been published in a while, it will take us longer to track, Bella may have already given birth and died at the rate she's going"

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