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Edited 5th July 2019

Welcome Jesus, this what the third/forth chapter in a day? I don't know I've lost count 🙈 any way enjoy ☺️

Elle remained on the floor, Carlisle didn't say anything as he entered the house, just rushed up the stairs to help Edward. Elle stared at the floor as Jasper had moved her to the sofa, and allowed his wife to morn, before shifting her upstairs to change her blooded clothes.

Rosalie stayed by her sister-in-law's side as Jasper helping her change from the clothes she wore. The baby gurgled in Rosalie's arms, the new born looked to Elle and cried out to her, she looked like mommy, but he knew she wasn't.

Her golden eyes met his brown eyes, he had bronze coloured hair like Edward, and specs of green scattered through his brown eyes. He gave her a small toothless smiled and Elle quietly reached for the baby Rosalie happily allowed Elle to hug her nephew.

"Hello little one" she commented softly to the baby, Jasper looked around, and saw his wife holding her nephew, his heart swooned as he watched his wife interact with the infant. Jasper knew in that moment his love for her. He wanted his own.

Jasper smiled his eyes drawn to the baby. Elle smiled down at the infant as Jacob, and Seth entered, followed by Ginny, Sue, Leah and Charlie.

"Wow, he's a looker" Charlie commented of hand and smiled down at Sue, who was beaming at the child. 

"This is your grandad" Elel explained to the new born. Charlie shifted to take a seat and smiled down at the new born as it was passed to him.

"You look like your mom" he commented sadly. "Did she-" he asked Elle nodded biting her lip and Charlie blinked back the tears that wouldn't fall.

"We love you either way little man, at least we get some one to play ball with" Charlie chuckled.

"Unless he's inside on the piano like Edward" Elle replied and the room gave soft chuckles.

Elle noticed that when Jake shifted out of the way, Seth was glued to the baby, she noticed he also had a look of some who had seen the beauty of the moon for the first time.

"Seth" Leah called as he ran from the room, Elle quickly followed patting Sue and Leah on the backs before following him in to the garden. 

"It's like gravity. Your whole center shifts. Suddenly, it's not the Earth holding you here. You would do anything, be anything he needs. A friend, a brother. A protector." he explained to her 

"Seth did you-" She paused as he nodded 

"On a boy" he cried "I'm not - I don't think I am" 

"It doesn't matter" Elle replied quickly, "we are your family and love you either way, like you said you can be his friend his protector, his brother " she replied "He's not old enough to understand, you have years yet to figure it out, just be there for him, thats all, it doesn't have to be like Leah and Harry or even Ginny and Jake" Seth sobbed as she cradled him 

"Edward is going to hate me" he replied he latched on to the vampire, he didn't care for species he never did, he just needed a rock right now. Someone to cry on to. 

"I don't" Edward explained coming out of the house, his clothes still bloody, his hair a mess. Elle looked at him wincing as she did so "She's not alone, Alice is dressing and cleaning her " he explained to her he then tuned to the young wolf "Your confused, conflicted, I understand that much, we will cross the bridge when we come to it, I like the idea of him having a protector elder brother" 

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