4.10 🇬🇧

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Edited 23rdJune 2019 - Images have been removed due to changes.

ITS WEDDING DAY... THIS IS NOT A DRILL...be warned this chapter is very long enjoy

Elle couldn't help but smile nervously as  Alice and Rosalie woke the Humans, Werewolves and Witches; Esme knocked on the door and giggled as she entered with Molly, Sue followed by a House elf.

"Oh I remember mornings like this" Molly replied holding her heart as the group watched the girls prey Bella from her bed, with laughter and shouts.Elle grabbing the human's ankles. 

Esme smiled at her own girls, the large group of girls seemed happy as a massive pillow fight, which by looking at the feathers on the floor was a continuation of last nights epic battle.

Sue giggled and swiped Molly with a large pillow. Molly gasped 

"What can't beat them join them" Sue replied with a giggle and Molly gave a small glare to the Native American, and Esme out of the corner of her eye smirked as two large pillows floated towards Sue

"Oh it's on" Molly laughed as Sue was attacked by the magical soft objects,

"Hey that's cheating No magic" Sue cried out

"MOM" Elle and Leah called out and proceeded to attack each other's mother, Leah at Molly and Elle at Sue, 

"Oh sod it" Esme chuckled to the house elf and raced to help Hermione who Rosalie and Alice were attacking.

The house elf shook her head but captured the moment on camera, she then proceeded to do what she came for which was to clean up the glasses from last night and refill the champagne flutes, she may have even helped refill the pillows. The poor elf ducked as a pillow came flying over her head and she turned to see a sheepish looking Molly Weasley; The red haired fully grown witch pointed to Elle like a five year old child would do when in trouble.

She shook her head and continued to clean, the fight went on for further fifteen minutes, before Alice called it a draw.

"We really do need to get ready" Alice replied softly 

"We were ready" Molly Sue and Esme replied, their dresses were slightly rumpled, and their hair and makeup was ruined

"Nothing like a bit of Magic can sort" Hermione replied she gently guided Sue in to one of the chairs "well I can't do all three my self"  she snapped at Ginny and Elle who both raced forward pulling their own mothers or mother figures in to the chairs.

Everyone now calm as they could be proceeded to get ready, Elle was in the chair, her hands being painted and magically dried when a knock came on the door.

Everyone stopped and looked towards the door.

"Delivery" Emmett called and Elle looked to make sure her girls were decent.

"Come in" she called and Emmett stepped in a long box in hand, he was followed by Edward who had three smaller boxes and an envelope.

Emmett placed the long box besides Elle on the table that had appeared and told her to wait. 

Edward grinned handing her the medium sized box, and envelope

"This first" He stated 

Elle opened it and read it, tears forming as she read the short love letter. She couldn't help but giggle as she knew Jasper had attempted to write with a quill and ink. 

To my sweet magical Elle on our wedding day, 

Damn! Writing like this is harder than I thought!

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