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Edited 6th July 2019

Elle smiled as she walked into The Cullen's main home, they had just got back from dropping Lucie off at school. 

Max raced a head the over active five year old loved playing with Ej, who was now almost the size of a seven year old. She kissed Esme's cheek as she prepared Max's favourite snack raw carrots and cucumber sticks with a tuna mayo dipping sauce.

She sat as Esme passed her blood, Elle pregnancy wasn't like Bella's, she could have scans and blood work showed she was healthy as a horse, but her bump was slow and Carlisle was concerned she could give birth any day now so requested the pregnant mother to stay with the Cullen's. 

Elle had officially taken her maternity leave; and a new professor had been drafted in the year Elle would be away,

Everyone in the family had found jobs, Bella was helping Alice in the shop, Edward would help Carlisle in the hospital Wing, Rosalie had took ever Esme's classes as she stayed home with Elle and Jasper was going with Emmett and Jayson at the ministry, his battle experience came in handy. 

The family had spilt for now, staying close until Elle gives birth where Rosalie and Emmett would then jet off to Vegas for another wedding.

Elle shifted she felt uncomfortable, her eyes on the two boys playing with diggers and dinosaurs. Esme's notices and looks to her.

"Are you okay?" She asks softly and Elle shrugged moving to stand in front he breakfast stool 

"I don't kn-" she paused as a huge wave of water gushed from her jeans she gasped and looked down.

"Ej call Grandad and Uncle Jasper" he was smart enough to use the floo, ran to the fireplace.

 Max cried as his mother screamed in pain, her eyes quickly darting to him, she bent down pain making her wince as she held her hands to him.

"Come here sweetie" she replied and Max raced to be in her mother's arms, the Vampire clung to him as another wave of pain hit,

"It's time" she cried as Esme guided her to the study, Esme and Elle took there time moving in between contractions, Esme timed them and sighed in relief as she was placed in the bed, Max still clung to his mother, as she dry sobbed the pain away.

"Max hunny" Mrs Weasley had apperated in to the room, she sat herself on the end of Hospital bed, stroking his back "come on let's go to George's shop yeah?"

"My mummy is hurt" he cried "make it stop"

"They will darling but you have to come with me, shall we get your new brother or sister a gift?" She asked

"O-o-Kay" he cried he hugged Elle one more time "I love you mummy"

"I love you too sweetie" she replied kissing his head and smiled as Max was lead a way by Mrs Weasley. Jasper entered hurriedly followed quickly by Carlisle

"There two minutes apart" Esme Replied as her husband hurriedly washed his hands "This baby isn't waiting any longer"

"Get her pants off" Carlisle tells Esme who nods and strips her off Carlisle puts on a apron and is putting on gloves, Rosalie comes in a hands him towels and blankets as well as baby clothes Jasper and Elle picked.

"Carlisle" Esme eeplied and he raced over and placed towels over the bed. He guided Elle's feet so they were in the air; being held by Esme and Rosalie; looking up at her he smiled.

"Okay Elle you're crowning already, when the next contraction comes push okay" Carlisle replied settling himself at the bottom of the bed

Elle nods and grasps Jasper's hand

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