Chapter 8- Evil plans

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"Tell us your plans!" Demanded Joel pulling his arrow back a bit further, "and don't refuse, you're outnumbered!"

Jack grinned at the frustration on Joel's face. The rage that stood out from behind his mask was almost overwhelming. Although I'd be pretty angry too if I'd been through what Jack put Joel through. I prayed that Joel wouldn't let go of that arrow.

"Well, since you want to know so badly, our boss Callum, or as you know him, Shadow Knight has become a member of the shadow warriors. He has acquired a new power that he'll use to first take out the crime lords, then take over the world!"

Jack raised his arms as if he was in front of an audience.

"You'll never win!" Screeched Wills, "the Samurais are nothing against us!"

Jack's delightful smile faded into an evil grin, "we'll just see about that" he said in a low shallow voice.

With that, he disappeared into his cape which seemed to merge with the shadows.

"Where'd he go?" Asked Joel looking nervously around the room.

Creepy noises surrounded us like bees surrounding honey. The darkness grew deeper and the shadows stretched towards our defenceless feet. My heartbeat quickened, I froze to the spot. I felt the colour drain from my ice cold face. It felt like the heat and happiness was being swallowed by the darkness. The eerie silence was disrupted by a deafening blast to my right. I jumped in fright and as I did, my vision of shadows and fear was immediately replaced by the faint-lighted room.

"Huh!? What!?" Confused, and somehow exhausted, I toppled to the ground in a heap. My stomach felt heavy and my head hot. My eyes were still open but my body was asleep.

My vision was blurry and distorted when I got full feeling in my body. I tried to sit up but I was forced to the ground by an invisible boulder.

"Harley? Harley!?" I heard the extremely faint and muffled voices of Joel and Wills.

I felt them lift me up, as they did I groaned, although I couldn't tell how loud it was due to a poor hearing condition. My eyes met Wills's and he gave me a reassuring look. He muttered something but I couldn't quite make it out. I concentrated really hard and managed to make out the word, "what?".

He spoke louder and clearer so it heard him this time, "are you ok?"

I gave him a slow nod. When I had recovered a little more, Joel explained what happened: Jack trapped us in a vision of some sort and tried to electrocute Wills but he noticed him at the last second and shot at him. Wills hit the wall but the sound was enough to snap us out of the vision. After that, I fell over and didn't get up. Joel and Wills chased Jack as he tried to escape but he shocked Wills with his staff leaving Joel to deal with him. Joel shot an arrow to stop Jack but it missed. When it seemed that Jack was going to escape, he crashed to the ground by an unknown cause.

I raised my eyebrow, "how can you just crash to the ground without anything hitting you?"

This made Joel light up a little. "Well, when I went to his body, I found this, I don't know what it is though".

He stretched his hand out to show me the item. I recognised it immediately. I laughed quite loudly for a stealth mission. "That's classic! Just classic!"

"What? What's so funny? It looks like a feather with a barb, how is that funny?" Joel asked, obviously confused as hell.

I sat up again and wiped the tears from my eyes, "oh right, you don't know, well I guess you'll find out pretty soon", I said childishly.

We all stood up and I grabbed the slender, feather-shaped blade. "I'll lead the way."

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