Chapter 3- Hit the jackpot

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I crouched low in the shadow of a large crate. Wills squatted behind another on the other side of the hallway. We were in an underground warehouse that had been overrun by thugs and turned into a base.

"Where's Joel?" I whispered to him, making sure not to let the three guards standing in front of the door hear me.

Wills raised his shoulders indicating that he didn't know. Joel was supposed to be here by now, maybe he got captured. I doubt it. He had his bow and arrows with him. The whole idea of this mission was to break into a vault full of cash, grab as much as we could and leg it. Joel was supposed to have taken out the control room guards by now so that we would have more of a chance to escape, but obviously he got held up.

Wills gave me a thumbs up now that the guards were not looking our way. That was my signal to attack. We had rehearsed it numerous times in the base. I leaped out into the light and launched onto the closest guard's shoulders. He struggled with my weight and came crashing down face first into the cement floor. I jumped up and did a back handspring to face the other two guards who were giving me death stares but the quivering of their hands indicating fear.

They slipped their guns out of their pockets and aimed them at my forehead.

"Don't come any closer or we will shoot!" Yelled one of them.

I smiled evilly.

"Oh that won't be necessary" I said in an American accent to disguise my voice.

I grabbed my own gun and flipped it out of my pocket. BANG! I shot the guard on the right. They were crooks too so they would've done the same thing in a reversed scenario. Besides The third guard began to run down the hall behind him but he only took a few steps before he stopped dead in his tracks. He groaned and the gun left his grip and fell to the floor. He joined the gun by collapsing to the ground on his back, dead.

A dark green arrow stood straight up from the centre of his stomach. I knew exactly who released it.

"Took you a while" I said as Joel came striding down the hallway clutching his bow in his right hand.

"Sorry I'm late" he said in a Classic Aussie accent rather than his usual one. "had to take care of a couple more of 'em. Good news though, I took out the security camera system"

Wills stood up from behind the crate. I almost forgot he was there in the first place.

"Now it's time to get what we came for" he said staring at round metal door that was once guarded.

Wills took a grenade out of his vest pocket and removed the clip. He threw it at the door and we all dived for cover. BOOM! The door blasted open with a deafening explosion. The vault walls were lined with silver plates to resist force and it was filled with money. Wills didn't seem to be phased by the blast and he stepped through the large hole in the wall where the door used to be. I helped Joel up and we all began to stuff as much money as we could fit in a few large black bags that Wills just happened to 'find'.

Once they were full, we each took one and heaved it over our shoulders.

"We hit the jackpot boys." Wills said.

He began to walk back toward the entrance of the vault when suddenly, red lights seemed to flash from no where and sirens wailed from various places.

I looked immediately at Joel.

"I thought you took out the cameras!" I yelled to be held over the screeching of the alarms.

Joel covered his ears. "I did!"

Wills turned to face us.

"Boys!" He announced. "grab your weapons! It's time for a fight!"

I smirked evilly, I had been waiting for a worthy fight. The only real opponents that I ever got to face were when I had training battles with Joel or Wills.

Joel has a unique fighting style: he fools you by sort of flailing his fists while he punches or taking sudden, panicky steps. Then he lashes out with perfected martial arts skills and surprises even the fiercest of fighters.

Wills on the other hand uses a strong defence against attacks and wears the opponent down, then he strikes with powerful punches.

My battling style is using my sharp reflexes to dodge attacks and then use acrobatics and years of martial arts to knock my opponents on their asses. Unfortunately, I hadn't had time that day to work on my combat but if gut was telling the truth, which was that this would be an easy fight, then I wouldn't have to worry.

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