Chapter 9- Raven

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Taking light steps, the three of us made out way to the rendezvous point. We were to meet the girls there and then get out of there. But with a recent turn of events, it turned out that we had a follower. We made the last turn to meet the girls. They were laughing and giggling at something. Girls, I thought.

"What's so funny this time?" I asked.

Kira made a disgusted look at the sight of my living body. I returned the feeling by sticking my tongue out at her.

"More importantly," said Wills giving me an unexpected look, "where have you been?"

Ella shook her head. "We looked everywhere for you. I'm sorry."

Wills shook his head. "Don't be sorry, it's only your first mission and you're both doing great."

Joel shouldered his bow. "What should we do now?"

"Acrobolt has a friend to pick up." Wills said. "Toxic and Harlekella, get back to the base. Green Arrow and I will have another try at retrieving the sword."


I jogged off into the unknown to find her. Estella. My best friend in the once real world. Once you become like me, a criminal, your only friends are the ones who are close to you and you can trust with anything. I couldn't just turn up at a local corner shop to buy bread, I'd be ambushed and arrested in minutes. An American accent and an eye mask isn't enough to conceal your identity completely.

I picked up my pace, my steps were light and quiet. Estella had to be around here somewhere. Room after room, corridor after corridor, I couldn't find a trace of the girl. The feathered blade was definitely hers though. She told me a while ago that she practised with various blades and three years ago she told me to start calling her "Raven". From those two clues, I gathered that weapon belonged to her.

My thoughts were interrupted by a bellowing voice that made the hair on my neck stand up. "Hey! Stop right there!"

Shit! Spotted! I back handspringed around a corner and flipped out my gun. I blindly shot at whoever the voice belonged to. Somehow, a bullet hit its mark and a loud thud indicated a fallen body. Fortunately, it was just another guard to fall at my wrath. I felt sick in the stomach when I saw the bloody wound on his chest. I looked at his dead body and sighed. This really makes me look like a villain. Wills told me a while ago that everything we do, including hurting or killing people, is for survival and safety in this world. I always remembered that sentence whenever I killed someone. It didn't make me feel any less guilty, but it made me remember why it was necessary.

Mind to the moment Harley I thought. I heard the sound of metal scraping against more metal and creeped toward the sound. I heard it again to my right and found the source. There, lying in the shadows, was a dark, female figure holding a silver feathered blade (identical to the one Wills had) above her head.

"Well, well." I said putting my hands on my hips. "If it isn't everyone's favourite bird, and the commander's goal for tonight."

The girl scowled and lowered the knife a little. She stepped out ever so slightly from the shadows to reveal light blonde hair tied back in a plaited ponytail.

"Since when are you American, Harley?" She demanded, a slight British accent added to her voice.

"Since it's my job," I replied, "and it's Acrobolt."

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