Chapter 14- Laying low

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"Everyone gather 'round." bellowed Wills, spreading the map out on the kitchen bench.

Kira, Ella, Joel and I circled the table waiting for commands. This mission was gonna be a tough one.

"Here's what's going to happen: Kira, you'll get to the front entrance and make the guards open the doors." Wills gestured to the bottom section of the grove of the trees.

Kira nodded, "that should be easy" she said holding up her palm, filled with green dust instead of purple.

Wills continued. "Ella, you'll..."

"I'm staying with you!" She yelled, squeezing him like an anaconda.

Cough. Cough. Wills gasped for air. Joel and I had to wrestle Ella off him so he could breath.

Kira made a sour face. "Ew."

Once Ella calmed down and Wills allowed her to go with him, he continued. "Joel and Jacob, you'll get in through the ventilation system and find Estella, they're probably doing very bad things to her, try and find her quickly".

I nodded, it was exactly what I'd planned to do.

The night was dark and cold, perfect cover for us five as we made our way through the shadows to the blue, house-like building concealed by trees. Once we had made it to a safe covering, we split up to do our jobs. I watched Kira from a crouching position behind a shrub with Joel. She blew the green mist into into the guard's face and his eyes turned a bright shade of green.

"Open the door, please."I heard Kira say.

The guard obeyed his new master's command and unlocked the large metal door.

"Let's go." Joel said, once Kira had entered.

We silently edged our way along the wall looking out for cameras. The last thing we needed was getting seen. Boy, that went well last time. Whenever we noticed one, we waited until it turned another way before we continued along the wall. Finally, we found a ventilation shaft up ahead. I ran for it, not realising that there was a camera right above it, and sliced the screw off with my knife.

Joel caught up to me. "Great, now you've done it."

"What?" I asked, confused and a little put down by his comment.

He pointed to the blinking red light just above my face.

I didn't even blink. "Oops....... Come on."

I scrambled into the steel tunnel and pulled Joel up after. We scrambled along the square tube trying to find the room that Estella was being held in. Something caught my eye, a red flash or a reflection of some sort. I crawled slowly toward it noticing that it was coming from inside a room. Once I got to an opening in the tunnel, I peered through it into the room. I gasped when I recognised the first of the two people in the room, Black Jack. The one we ran into at Mr. Stone's factory.

The second one I was sure I'd never met. The taller boy had dark brown curly hair, a long expressionless face and, no joke, red eyes. I couldn't quite hear what they were saying but by the way the taller boy kept raising his hand in a fist, I knew it wasn't good. I still didn't know what the red flash was though so I continued to look, ignoring Joel tapping me on the shoulder telling me that we had to move.

The boy with red eyes stood in the centre of the large room and faced a wooden chair. He raised his hand and a red light began to form above it. That answered my curiosity. Suddenly, a black and red axe appeared in the light a spun wildly toward the chair. When it made contact, the chair shattered to pieces. I stared in amazement but fear. If that boy could do that, there was no way we could beat the Samurai. We already knew that Jack and Briannon were dangerous enough as it was.

Next, the boy faced directly toward me, I wondered if he had noticed me staring in at him. He raised his hand once more and the same red light appeared but this time it was more of an energy ball than a light ball. The sphere of destruction pulsed and changed in Callum's hand as if it were alive. Then it raced directly toward the vent! BANG.

The shaft exploded sending me and Joel flying backward. I heard what sounded like a door coming off it's hinges and suddenly I was toppled into a unknown room covered in black dust. I stood up to observe my surroundings and noticed a large metal chair in the middle of the room. And in it, Estella.

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