One Shot Left

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I had one shot left

Of that I had no doubt

For it kept floating in my mind

As I trudged deeper into the forest

The thorns tore at my flesh

Stones bruising my feet

But I still kept my speed

Not looking back though I was tempted

I must be miles away

But I could still hear the hounds barking

Their venomous teeth hot on my heels

Like a shadow at sunset

I thought my legs would break

Thought I heard my heart burst

But the soul in my body somehow was trapped

Only half alive and half dead.

Then I saw it in the end

At the end of the line

The forest gave way and there it was

A stony cliff with a sheer edge

A smile flashed across my face

And my heartbeat rose even higher

In my head I felt the fire

That stirs your mind in the face of death

I could hear their feet on the forest undergrowth

But that did not worry me anymore

My decision was already made

I got on my knees as if to pray

And from my pocket recovered the revolver

One thought went through my thoughts over and over

Only one shot left

The muzzle felt cold against my head

But my fingers were cold and steady

In my mind I knew I was ripe and ready

To take that final step

They had my whole life; I could not give them even my death

For they can have my body but not my pride

And as my conscience evaporated by and by

I felt satisfied, for I had died free from my chains

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