Chapter I

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Rey held her blaster close, wandering the dark forest. It was cold, and lonely. She was frightened. Never before has she ever left Jakku and here she is hiding from someone, something. The familiar sound, a hum of a lightsaber breaks the peacefulness of the forest.  Anxiously Rey's eyes wander around her looking for the bright glow of the lightsaber.

Kylo Ren steps into her view quickly she shoots at him. He deflects the blasts using his lightsaber. Rey's heart was thumping loud now. She was more terrified than she was the day she was left on Jakku, those memories crept at her in the night. But this was real. Rey shoots again rapidly and Kylo keeps deflecting all her blasts. Rey becomes hopeless.

Kylo Ren raises his hand and Rey realizes she can't move. Attempting to fight the force she struggles. "The girl I've heard so much about" Kylo Ren's mouth smirks a tad. "Why would anyone hear much about me? I'm just a scavenger" Rey thought to herself.  Kylo walks around her studying her slowly. Rey fearful of her life wanted to break down and cry right there. But she knows she can't show any signs of weakness.

"The droid" Kylo places his glowing lightsaber right infront of Rey's face. The red glowed illuminating her face. Fear. "Where is it?" He continues. He turns of his saber and walks over to Rey. Admiring her face, he looks her in the eye and places his hand on her cheek, caressing it slowly. Rey feeling beaten, doesn't make a sound. After a minute he removes his hand pleaded with what he has seen. Rey is relieved his black glove is no longer touching her face.

"The map, you've seen it" there's anger in his voice. Rey horrified, confused. She could do nothing. Kylo touched her face again, but this time she was in agony. Pain shooting through her body, tears streaming down her face. She looked at him in horror. He was looking through everything she ever knew. Everything she has ever encountered. Everything she was ever thought. She felt violated. Two storm troopers made their way to Kylo. He retracted his hand and turned to them. Thank God. Rey was tired, she felt useless and weak.

"Sir, Resistance fighters! We need more troops" one said. Kylo frustrated "Pull the division out, forget the droid. We have what we need". Kylo gestures towards Rey, she passes out falling, just in time for Kylo to catch her.

"He just wanted the girl" one stormtrooper states. The other nodded in agreement.


Rey wakes up upright in a chair. There's restraints on her she struggles to find she won't be able to break free. She looks up to see Kylo staring at her, mask on. Has be been staring at me the whole time? How long have I been out?

"Where am I" Rey finally found the courage to speak.

"You're my guest" Kylo straightens up a bit.

"Where are the others?" She was slowly regaining memory of the past events that occurred. Running into the forest, Kylo reading her memory.

"You mean the murderers, traitors, and thieves you call friends?" He was silent for a moment. "You'll be relived to hear, I have no idea". Rey sighed a sigh of relief. They aren't dead.

Rey studies him, she's afraid but curious. But there was so much to learn about this man. What was underneath that mask? Why did he wear it. Why?

"You still want to kill me" He says blankly.

"That happens when you're being hunted by a creature in a mask." There was venom in her voice this time. Anger.

Kylo realized she had a point. He turned to her unlatched his mask. The pressure being released broke the silence and he removed the mask setting it down on a table beside him. Rey studies his face, she sees a pale boy with black fluffy head and black beady eyes.

"tell me about the droid" He begins.

"He's a BB unit with a selenium drive and a thermal hyperscan vindicator" she begins to ramble.

"He's carrying a section of a navigational chart. We have the rest, recovered from archives of the Empire. We need the last piece. And somehow, you convinced the droid to show it to you. You. A scavenger." He cut her off.

How does he know? She thought to herself.

"You know I can take whatever I want" Something flashed in his eyes. Temptation was it? He moves closer to Rey. He brings his hand to touch her face but she attempts to move. No where to go. He touches her face. A spark. She felt a spark. And by the reaction of Kylo's face he did too. The feeling faded quickly. He begins to read through her mind again. Rey attempts to resist but it hurts too much.

"You're so lonely, so afraid to leave" Kylo states. He smiles a little. "At night, desperate to sleep you imagine an ocean. I see it. I see the island.

Tears stream down Rey's face. Is it really this easy? To be used and manipulated. She's been through a lot but nothing like this before.

"And Han Solo. You feel like he's the father you never had. He would've disappointed you." Kylo laughed at the thought. Han Solo? A good father?

"Get out of my head" Rey still crying.

But he only begins to lean closer to her

"I know you've seen the map. It's in there, and now you'll give it to me" he demanded. "Don't be afraid. I feel it too" he continued.

"I'm not giving you anything" Rey yelled.

"We'll see" Kylo looks into her eyes. Rey meets his gaze.

Rey starts to concentrate on something. She closes her eyes thinking.

"You're afraid! That you'll never be as strong as Darth Vader!" She opened her eyes fearful.

Kylo confused removes his hand he's taken back, he begins to leave the room. Rey watches him the whole time. She gasps for air, she can finally think and breathe clearly.


Hi so I'm really new at writing stories so if you see any errors or stuff like that feel free to comment! I have a lot in plan for this story so please stick around. Also any ideas feel free to let me know!

Also a year ago today our space princess died

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Also a year ago today our space princess died. May you Rest In Peace. May the Force be with You.

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