Chapter IV

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Rey woke before him. She was wandering around aimlessly not quite sure of what to do. It was early. She could tell by the way the stars lit the sky. She didn't want to bother Kylo, but she really wanted to shower. Having blood all over her and being in the cells made her feel grimy. Not to mention the guards.... She sighed and hopefully Kylo wouldn't mind her using his facilities and hopefully would have something for her to cover up in. She walked in the bathroom to see her face bruised. It was dark purple and puffed up. The cut on her arm was patched up. Dry blood surrounded the skin and clothing. She sobbed. She missed home. What if her family was looking for her? She's never seen herself like this before. This wasn't Rey. She stepped into the shower and turned the water to hot. She hissed as the water hit her wound. She realized all Kylo had was men stuff. She washed her hair and body with it anyways. When she was done she stepped out and looked at herself one last time. The bruise was yellow and purple, the cut was clean. Just some stitches here and there. But she couldn't face the fact she looked so odd. Rey usualy didn't care about her looks but she knew people would stare. People would think she was weak. She wrapped herself in a towel and peeped her head out the door. Kylo was still asleep so she tip toed herself to his drawers. Digging for anything she could possibly throw on.

"What are you doing?" Kylo gestured and turned Rey around.

"Looking for some clothes, don't you have anything I could wear while mine get washed" he nodded and grabbed her a pair of black leggings, and a outfit that looked just like her old one. But all black.

She took them and returned to the bathroom and slid them on quickly. She looked at herself in the mirror. She kind of liked the black outfit. She walked out and sat on the bed she slept on last night.

"Who said you could shower?" Kylo turned to her.

"You said I was your guest" she argued.

"Calm down I'm teasing" he states. He sat down next to her on the bed. "How are you feeling?"

She sighed. "My head hurts, my face hurts, I'm scared. I'm confused. I want answers. I want to know what happened last night. Did he do anything?" She looked up at him hopefully.

"I don't know what he did to you. I ran in and you were passed out. He was groping you. Part of your clothing was torn. I believe he hit you. The swelling should go down. I'm really sorry..." he said searching for a name.

"Rey" she said.

"Rey" he repeated. "Why are you afraid?"

"I miss home, I'm waiting for people at home. I wasn't supposed to leave home. Jakku is where I belong." She sighed.

"Who's waiting for you?" Kylo pressed.

"My parents, I know they're alive." Hope in her voice.

"What do you want answered?" Kylo began.

"Who are my parents? Where are they? Why did they leave me? Why do I have nightmares of your mask killing someone? Who's ben? Who's Luke? " she rambled.

Kylo knew all these answers but she wasn't ready. Not yet.

"I'm sorry I understand why you're so frustrated." Kylo sympathized.

"Then why don't you let me go?" She began to cry.

Rey felt so alone, so hurt. No one could understand what she went though.

"If I tell you everything will you promise to understand and see things from my point of view?" Kylo looked her in the eyes.

"Yes" she said still teary eyes.

"Your parents. You have a Mom. But I don't know her name or her where abouts. You don't have a father. You were conceived by the force. You were chosen. Your Mom realized this and sent you to Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy. This is where we meet. But my name isn't Kylo. It's Ben. Ben Solo. Luke, my uncle told me to train you. You were so young. Bright eyed and curious. You were a fast learner. The force was with you. You even admitted to having a crush on me. We were inseparable. In our teenager years we began to date. But this is when Snoke began calling out to me. He told me that I was more powerful than a Jedi and I could use my power to rule the galaxy and be his apprentice. I lied to you. I told you I was leaving to visit my Mom. I never came back. Until Snoke ordered me to kill the Jedi academy. To end the Jedi. So I did. Except Luke and You. I loved you too much I couldn't hurt you. Luke is family I couldn't hurt him either. It was hard. I wanted to take you with me so badly. But you had too much light in you. I could never kill that happiness. Luke found you were the only survivor and took you to Jakku. He tried reaching your mom but she couldn't be found. He supplied you with a home and wiped your memories. He didn't want you to live with those horrors for the rest of your life. But he didn't wipe them completely. He put them in the very back so just in case one day you would come back to train with him when the time was right." Kylo took a deep breath. That was a lot to tell her in one sitting.

"How long did you know this?" She looked up at him.

"I've known this forever. But I didn't know it was you. I didn't know you were... Rey." He sighed. "Are you okay"

I found the lightsaber already. She thought to herself

"Ben?" She questioned.

"My name is Kylo Ren. Do not call me Ben." He got aggressive.

"I used to call you Ben, why can't I now?" She said.

"Ben is dead." He said bluntly.

"What do we do now?" She questioned.

"Well, I need that map still" he mumbled.

"No." She stated

"No? What do you mean no?"

"I won't give it to you." She stated.

"Why not?" He raised his eyebrow

"Cause I said so." She crossed her arms

"There has to be a reason" he sighed.

"You left me. The memories. They're all slowly coming back. You left me for a manipulative abusive overlord." She cried "you said you loved me. There's still light in you Ben!"

"I said don't call me that" he gritted his teeth.

"But Ben" she tried again.

Kylo raised his arm lifting her off her feet. Choking her she tried to speak. All that came out were coughs. Kylo was raging, no one calls him Ben. Ben was dead.

Rey started to lose consciousness and before he realized it was too late. He let go and she dropped to the floor.

"REY" he yelled. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it. oh my god"

He picked up Rey and ran her to the med center placing her down on a bed. "I WANT ALL OF YOUR ATTENTION ON HER NOW!" Kylo screamed. Staff came rushing over probing her with tools. Checking her out.

"Kylo" he turned around to see a Hux. "The Supreme Leader would like to see you"

Kylo sighed looked at Rey one last time and walked off. Hux stayed behind to look at the girl. "Silly boy" he laughed. "This girl will be the death of Kylo Ren".

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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