I'm not a Baby!

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    I woke up in an empty bed. Yoongi wasn't beside me, but his side of the bed still felt warm. He only just got up. I heard the sound of the shower faucet running.

    I got up and tamed my hair, putting it up in a sleek ponytail. Running into the kitchen, I made Yoongi some bacon. I left it on a napkin so that he would see it, and snaked past him into the bathroom when he left. Quickly showered, and then stepped out to dress myself. Heres the outfit.

    I walked into our quaint living room and started packing my bookbag

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    I walked into our quaint living room and started packing my bookbag. He came over and stopped me. "We aren't going today. I want to make up for our fight yesterday, so we are skipping and going out." 

    I smiled. "What about getting a good education to get a good job and get a good house?" He tsk-tsked me. "Technicalities." I polished off the bacon while Yoongi changed out of his boxers. We normally sleep together half-naked.

    A few minutes later we were driving to a park a few miles away. When we arrived, he set out a blanket and picnic basket. I beamed at him. "You really didn't have too, Yoongs." 

"That's what a relationship is all about." he said. "Doing things for the other person voluntarily." He smiled and we nommed on some really good sandwiches. After we finished, he packed up and we fed some ducks. I loved the little babies. So cute!

    He drove me to the mall. *gasp so loud you can here it through your device* "We're going shopping?!" I exclaimed. He laughed and nodded. We bought some bubble tea and then I pulled him over to the women's section. I paired together some cute outfits while Yoongi commented on how good I looked. He is so sweet!!

    While we were looking at skirts, I saw a pair of lacy lingerie. I smirked and held it up to him. "How do you think I'd look in this?" I said. His jaw dropped when he saw the outfit, and I laughed so hard some people started staring. 

"Jesus, Yuna. I thought you were about to suggest you try it on."

    After we wasted 210000 won on just clothes, he took me to the movies. We watched a horror movie/romance. Basically, some obsessed woman wants to get revenge of her ex for cheating on her, so she puts on sexy outfits and a black mask and kills everyone he loves. In the end, he stared at the screen and said, "I love you" to the audience, which was supposed to be his new girlfriend...? It creeped me out though.

    We got dinner at a fancy restaurant, and I told Yoongi how much fun I had. He smiled. "Good, because I think I spent all of my life savings today." We laughed a lot.

    That night, I was getting ready for bed. As Yoongs turned off the light, I looked at him and said, very seriously, "What if the woman from the movie tries to kill us?!" He looked at me like I was crazy. 

"If she comes for us I will just spit some fire at her."

"You know rapping can't always get you out of a situation."

"Sure, sure..."

    I fell asleep happily, Yoongi cuddled up against me. I woke up at 3:00-ish in the morning, hearing a strange noise. I was totally convinced that the woman had come to kill us. Yoongi wasn't in the bed. Oh god, she's already got him. I walked into the bathroom, where the noise was coming from, and saw Yoongi trying to wrestle on the lingerie from the mall.


    He looked so shocked to see me. "Oh god, you weren't supposed to see this... uhm.. well I was going to pretend to be the woman from the movie and scare you." I would've been mad, but he looked to ridiculous in the frilly black bra that I started laughing and couldn't stop. 

"Honestly though, Yuna, you are such a baby."

"No I'm not a baby!"

"Sure, sure..."

"Says the man that tries on frilly bras!" 

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