Happy freaking birthday to me

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Angel: ....

Choromatsu: Happy birthday

Karamatsu: Happy birthday Angel

Jyushimatsu: Happy birthday!

Angel: Thanks but i want hear it from them

Osomatsu: .....happy birthday

Todomatsu: Happy birthday...

Ichimatsu: Yea happy birthday

Angel: ......i don't feel happy cause you guys run away when i call you guys!

Osomatsu: Oh....about that we sorry

Angel: You guys are not sorry! *try to attack them*

Lamb: *hold her down* calm down....

Angel: Hmm....

Osomatsu: Oh god she more dangerous like Totty

Todomatsu: Don't make me snap again

Ichimatsu: Can we just get to the dare please before we died

Angel:  You guys have two dares and one truth today...

Osomatsu: Our first truth!

Angel: We get to it after the dare.....now sing childish wars

Osomatsu: Huh? all of us?

Angel: Yes now sing

Choromatsu: Uh...ok...

Jyushimatsu: Oh no she's mad...

Osomatsu: Let's get this over with....

(play the video above)

Lamb: It was good

Angel: *claps*

Osomatsu: Ok we did it...

Karamatsu: So what's the truth

Angel: You guys see the door and window is close

Todomatsu: Yes why?

Angel: Because this truth is for Ichimatsu....

Ichimatsu: Oh no don't tell me....

Angel: Season 1 episode 16 and that person want's to know are you a Karamatsu boy?

Karamatsu: What?

Ichimatsu: *runs and open the window* the window is block off!

Angel: *look at him smiling evily secretly* answer the question Ichimatsu

Ichimatsu: No i won't! *open the door fast* the door to!

Angel: Ichimatsu come on hurry

Ichimatsu: I'm....a....

Angel: You a what?

Karamatsu: ....

Ichimatsu: A karamatsu boy.....

Karamatsu: Oh Ichimatsu! *runs to him to hug him*

Ichimatsu: U-uh.....*uppercut him in the stomach*

Karamatsu: O-ow *falls down holding his stomach*

Osomatsu: Oh no Punk is going to kill you...

Ichimatsu: No.....no! *grab a bat and break down the borad and jump out the window*

*everyone except for Karamatsu look out the window and see him running away flipping them off*


Osomatsu: And we lost our big kittymatsu

Angel: This is a great present for me i was mad and now i'm happy

Osomatsu: Hehehe.....happy birthday

Angel: Thank You! Now here *hands him her laptop*

Osomatsu: Oh a vocaloid playlist!

*One playlist of dirty songs and scary songs later*

Osomatsu: ....

Choromatsu: .....

Jyushimatsu: ....

Todomatsu: ...

Karamatsu: .....

Angel: How did you guys like it?

Osomatsu: Was Meiko eating people?

Todomatsu: Oliver was singing about gay sex....

Choromatsu: Miku was eating pills and cutting people

Jyushimatsu: She was a stalker and kill Luka

Karamatsu: Scissoroid a death battle for love...

Choromatsu: Also that song about glasses i didn't know it was a dirty song

Jyushimatsu: Kurumi Ponicho!

Todomatsu: That not how you say it and don't say the lyrics!

Angel: Bye guys

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