17) A Broken Memory

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~Kisa's Pov~

I felt numb as I sat in Jenny's room. "Are you okay, Kisa?" I nod not able to find the right words to say.

How do you say anything after knowing that someone just had their face eaten in your house, in your presence today?


"Yes, Jenny?" I snap out of my thoughts and noticed that I dropped my pencil. When I look down I saw I had written death is coming. I close my note book and lay back on Jenny's bed.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Jenny asked as she laid next to me.

"Hope you got a shit load of pennies."

"Can I toss some quarters in there too?" I smile and look at Jenny. "It's weird but I feel like we've been friends longer than now."

"Maybe in another life we were." Jenny says with a shrug. We both look at her ceiling and my lips move faster than I think.

"I have some strange dreams. Last night I dreamt that great red wings had sprang from my back. It felt like a pinch to my spine but it also felt...like it was meant to be."

Jenny sits up and looks at me. "Like that angel from the stain glass?" I nod and sit up. "I guess she had a greater influence on me than I thought. But I also dream about..you know who."

"Oh? What about if you don't mind me asking?" My eyes shift a bit. "Lets just say if I told you, you'd defiantly drag me to church and dunk me in that holy water." She laughs and I join her.

"But what freaked me out the most is I had dug deep into my shoulder blade as pulled out a long sword. It was like my bone was this sword."

"You sure have a wild imagination."

"Careful Jenny, you're starting to sound like my mom."

"Girls?" We both hear Jenny's mom call us from down stairs. "Coming mom!" Jenny gets up and lays a little blanket over Calcifer. "I'm sure she just wants us to help set the table."

When I had came in the house Jenny's mom was in the kitchen so I didn't really get a good look at her. Though I wonder who does she look more like. Her mom or dad? A lot of people say I look like my mom but I don't see it.

When we came down Mr. Clark was setting the plates. "Jenny, can you go and help your mom with the food?"

"Sure thing dad. Kisa wanna help?" I nod and follow her into the kitchen. When we get into the kitchen I see a woman with pale blonde hair. "Hello Mrs. Clark. I'm Kisa Patterson, one of Jenny's friends."

The woman turns around and her eyes were a milky blue. "It's very nice to meet you Kisa. My daughter has told me so much about you." She hands out her hand and I take it. I look away as her stare becomes a little intense.

"Mom, do you need help?"

"Yes, can you two bring in the pie? I'll bring in some more silverware for us." Jenny smiles and motions me over. "Jenny is your mom okay?" I whisper.

"Kisa, I should have told you this but my mom is blind."

"Why in the hell is she cooking dinner?" I hiss. She raises her hands. "My mom may be legally blind but she's very keen on what she does. She has an aid to help her during the day when dad and I aren't here. She's skillful in the kitchen and trust me, she's a very blessed woman."

I look over at Mrs. Clark and see her take careful steps. "Mom has a condition. It had effected her vision, and her health. So her and dad being cautious people, they decided they didn't want to pass that gene down to their kids so they decided to adopt..."

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