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Your P.O.V.

I woke up in my new room to the smell of bacon. I smiled, but then remembered that today was the first day of school. At least I have the Losers. I quickly got dressed.

I ran down stairs and took a piece of bacon off of a plate

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I ran down stairs and took a piece of bacon off of a plate. "Did you make any friends?" My mom asked. I nodded my head and told her all about the Losers Club. Before I knew it, I had to leave for school. I waved to my mom and walked out the door, Derrick shortly following.

"So, your friends. Are there any boys?" He asked.

"It mostly consists of boys." I told him.

"Do you like any of them?" He asked. I instantly felt my face heat up. Did I?

"No." I lied. I was hoping that he would be believe me, assuming that the redness on my cheeks was from the heat. We started school a week before summer break began, so it was pretty hot out.

"Y/n!" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked over to see Stan and Bill waving me over. I walked over, thinking that Derrick wasn't following. By thinking, I mean hoping. I was wrong. "Who's this?" Stan asked.

"That's Derrick. My older brother. Derrick this is Bill and Stan." I said. My brother looked at them for a minute before shaking their hands.

"Well, I'm going to leave you behind. See you later N/n." Derrick said, walking off. I rolled my eyes and started walking with Stan and Bill.

"Hey, slut." I heard behind me. I rolled my eyes and turned around.

"What the hell do you want?" I ask.

"I'm just wondering why you're hanging out with those freaks." He said, nodding towards Stan and Bill.

"Well, first of all they're not freaks, and second of all, they don't call me a slut." I told him while Stan flipped him off.

"Whatever you slut. At least I have a dad." He said, causing my eyes to water. I walked up to him and punched him square in the face, leading to blood streaming out of his nose.

"Go blow your dad you mullet wearing asshole." I whispered to him. I turned around and tried walking away, but got stopped by someone grabbing my wrist harshly. I was turned around around by Henry. He pulled me close to him and punched me in the gut.

I grunted in pain, but got up and kicked him in the balls. He flinched, but grabbed my hair and pushed me to the ground, kicking me in the gut as I landed. Then, Bill walked up to him and punched him in the face, along with Stan. Henry eventually ran off and I had tears streaming down my face, along with a bloody nose and a cut on my cheek.

"A-are you o-okay?" Bill asked, helping me up. I nodded my head and wiped my nose. Tears were still streaming down my face and I felt Stan and Bill pull me into a hug. I smiled and hugged back. Eventually, we got to school. We somehow weren't late and made it to class on time. I changed my schedule to have every class with at least one of the Losers.

It was finally time for lunch, and I quickly spotted the Losers Club. I walked over to their table and sat down by Stan. "Whatcha talkin about?" I ask.

"N-nothing." Bill says as I take my lunch out of my backpack. I nodded and started to eat my chips.

"So, do you like Derry?" Bev asked.

"Yeah, it seems pretty cool. Way cooler than h/t." I answered, pulling out a sandwich.

We talked about random stuff for the rest of lunch.

**Time skip to the end of the week 'cause I'm lazy**

We walked over to the trash cans and dumped out the school supplies from our book bags.

"Best feeling ever." Eddie says.

"Oh yeah? Try tickling your pickle for the first time." Richie said.

"Ew." Bev and I said.

"Isn't that Betty Ripson's mom?" Stan asked.

"Y-Yeah." Bill replied.

"Does she really expect her to come out of that school?" Richie asked.

"Th-they'll find h-her." Ben stated blankly.

"Yeah. In a ditch, decomposed, smelling worse than Eddie's mom's underwear." Richie said.

"That's disgusting." Eddie muttered loud enough for us to hear.

"Sh-she's n-not d-dead." Bill said, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Right." Richie said, sadness in his voice too.

"Ok, what do I not know?" I asked looking around at everyone's sad expression.

"Later." Bev said. I nodded my head. Richie started to walk off, but was thrown into Stan. One of Henry's goons then burps in Eddie's face causing him to gag.

"Losers." Henry yells.

"Sh-Shut up, Bowers." Bill yelled back.

"Shut up Bill." Richie whispered.

"S-s-s-say something B-b-b-billy?" Bowers mocked him.

"Shut your mouth, dick face." I said.

"What?" Henry said looking down at me.

"May I remind you what Bill and Stan did to your wimpy ass?" I said. Henry looked at Bill then touches one of the cuts from a few days ago. He licked his whole hand and wiped it on my face. I flipped him off and he walked away.

"Woah." Richie said.

"What?" I asked, looking around at the Losers Club looking at me.

"You stood up to Henry Bowers." Eddie said. I lightly giggled.

"So did Bill and Stan. They beat his ass the other day." I said. I looked at the two boys blushing. I laughed at them and started to walk home.

A.N. Okay so first things first, I need to give a quick shout out to DestineeThreat for being my best friend. She is a really good writer and you should really check out her stories. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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