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**A few weeks later**

Bill's P.O.V.

So far, we haven't found anything. It's been appearing here and there, but no one has been harmed. The whole Losers Club has been staying with Y/n. I feel so bad for her. We're going back to the sewers today, just to try and find something. When everyone couldn't stay with her, she would come over to my house.

"Hello?" Y/n said, snapping me back into reality. "You okay?" She asked, her expression softening. I nodded my head and looked away from her beautiful e/c eyes. She grabbed my face and forced my eyes into hers. We were silent and still. Her eyes flickered to my lips, and my eyes did the same.

She smiled before smashing our lips together. I melted into the kiss. It was a short one, but it was sweet.

"I l-like you y-y/n." I said nervously, "a lot." I finished.

"I like you too, Bill." She said, going in for another kiss. Once our lips touched, she put her hand on my cheek and I pulled her closer to me.

"I knew that they were eventually going to suck face!" I heard Richie laugh. We pulled apart, and Y/n was blushing like crazy, while I was redder than a tomato.

"Next time, I'm knocking." Eddie said with his hands over his eyes. Y/n rolled her eyes and dragged his hands away from his eyes.

"You guys are so childish. What are you doing here anyway?" Y/n asked.

"Were you too busy sucking face to remember that we're supposed to go the sewers." Richie said.

"Shit. I completely forgot. I need to change into something other than this." Y/n said. With that, she ran upstairs to get clothes out of my room.

"So you finally grew some balls." Richie stated. I rolled my eyes and got a glass of water. It felt like forever before Y/n finally came back down. It was only like 10 minutes though. She was wearing a raincoat and some gloshers (I probably spelt that wrong.). Her hair was in a ponytail, and she had taken a few bracelets off.

"Bill, you're staring." Y/n said, laughing. I felt heat rush into my cheeks. Richie and Eddie were laughing their asses off.

"Can we leave?" I asked. They all nodded their heads, and we were off.

When we got there, Beverly and Ben were already there. It looked like they were flirting, but I didn't mind. I took Y/n's hand in mine as we walked over.

"Ok, l-lovebirds, wh-who g-g-going in?" I asked. Y/n raised a hand, along with Beverly and Richie. Four of us out of six. I knew that Stanley wouldn't go in once he got here.

Your P.O.V.

When we walked into the sewer, I felt a chill wind go down my back. Bill must've noticed, because he grabbed my hand and gave me a reassuring smile.

"When did this happen?" Beverly asks me.

"Today" I respond, still looking around the nasty sewer. She nodded her head. Then, I saw something move. Except it wasn't a loser. It wasn't a kid. It was that damned clown. It.

"B-Bill." I said, gripping his hand tighter. He looked over at me. "I saw It." I told him, my palms beginning to sweat.

"Wh-where?" Bill asked, gripping my hand back. I pointed to the direction I saw the spiky-toothed clown. There it was. His head was poking out from behind the wall, peering at us with yellow eyes, a red ballon at hand. It instantly reminded me of the bathroom.

"I can't!" I yelled. I started to run out of the sewer, tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Come float, Y/n. Don't you want to float?" It said, it's voice making me shiver. Soon after I was out, Bill, Bev, and Richie were out too. I huuged Bill and sobbed into his chest.

"Y-y/n what h-happ-" Bill asked, hugging me back.

"He told me to float, Bill! He asked if I wanted to float!" I interrupted, looking into Bill's eyes. His beautiful eyes. Before I knew what was happening, I felt Bill's lips on mine. I was shocked at first, but eventually kissed back.

"Ew!" Eddie screamed. I didn't pay attention, I just continued kissing Bill.

"So they're that couple. The on that'll make out at anytime, anywhere. Cool." Beverly said, earning a laugh from everyone else. I flipped her off with one hand, and continued to hold Bill's cheek. Bill laughed a bit into the kiss before pulling away.

"Wow." Was all he said. I giggled lightly.

"Just merry each other already!" Richie screamed, causing me to blush.

"So you blush at that, but you don't blush when we tease you about your full on make out session with Bill. Makes since... not really." Beverly said, earning a laugh from me and Bill.


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