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Y/N's P.O.V

"I'm going to the store real quick. Do you need anything?" I asked the group of losers on my couch.

"Can I come with you?" Bill asked, already getting up.

"No. If Richie's mad at you, then you two need to make up." I told him once he got over to me. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and walked out the door, grabbing my purse on the way out.

Truth is, I just wanted to be alone. Of course I wanted them to make up, but I was confused. Why was Richie mad? I'm just me, nothing special. I don't even know how Bill likes me. I'm a mess.

I was halfway to the grocery store when I heard a noise in the bushes, snapping me back to reality. I looked over to the bush, but before I could, I felt someone's hand on my mouth. When I tried to scream, it was muffled. The hand was quickly replaced with a rag, and next thing I knew, everything was black.

Bill's P.O.V.

Where is she? It's been a good 2 hours since she left. The store isn't even half a mile away, so it shouldn't take her that long to walk there and back. I was currently pacing in the living room.

"Could you stop?! I'm sure she's fine." Beverly said, clearly annoyed. I rolled my eyes and continued pacing.

"Yeah, maybe she got eaten by that clown thing." Richie said, earning a punch in the shoulder from Stan. Then, I got to thinking. He was right. What if she got caught by It? I felt my eyes tear up.

"H-He's r-right." I said, my voice shaky. "Sh-she c-could've g-g-gotten..." I said, unable to finish the sentence. Everyone was looking at me. Then, the mail slot opened, which was weird considering the mail had already come. I ran to the door and found a letter labeled Losers. I opened it and read it out loud.

Dear Losers,

I have your slut. If you want her back, come to the house on Neibolt. If you don't come and get her, then she will be hurt really badly. Come within the next 10 minutes or she's dead.

See you there,
Henry Bowers

My voice grew more shaky as I read the letter. I opened the door and ran out of the house, hoping I could get there on time by riding my bike. The rest of the Losers got on their bikes and followed me to the house that gives us all the creeps.

Your P.O.V.

I woke up in a dark room. The wooden walls were rotting, old furniture spread out, and a well beside me. I hear footsteps approaching, and pretend that I'm still asleep.

"What are we going to do if she doesn't wake up." Says a voice that I recognize, but can't put my finger on.

"Then we throw her down the well. That simple." Said a voice I was hoping to never hear again. Henry Bowers. I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my arms. I then feel warm liquid running down my arm. That son of a bitch cut me. I pretended to flutter my eyes open, as if waking up the first time. I looked up and saw Henry alone. The other one must've run off.

"Well, look who's up." He said.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked him.

"You'll see. Your boyfriend is on his way." He said.

"Please don't hurt them. They don't deserve it." I said, my voice growing shaky, tears welling into my eyes. He chuckled dryly and looked out the window.

"Too late." He said. I looked out the window and saw the Losers on their bikes, Bill had tears streaming down his face. I wanted nothing more than to be in his arms. I looked back up, but Henry had left me alone. I heard a noise coming from the well.

Then, I saw him. That damn clown. I let out a scream, hoping the others would hear. Before I could scream more, the clown grabbed my face and opened his face weirdly. There were three little lights in his throat. I felt lost in them. I heard footsteps and looked towards the door. The clown slithered down back into the well.

What did it do? Bill busted through the door and looked at me worriedly.

"Th-the clown. It did something. It had these lights and-" I was cut off by Bill hugging me, after untying me obviously.

"D-did It h-hurt you? D-did it d-do this?" He said, pointing at my bloody arms. I shook my head no.

"Henry." I said. Bill's face grew angry. Very angry. I took his face in my hands and kissed him. It was a long kiss, a sweet and passionate kiss. He grabbed my waist and my arms eventually found their way around his neck. Our kiss turned into a full on make out session, me now sitting on his lap.

Then, someone barged into the room and we jumped apart.

"Sorry to ruin the moment, but we have to go. NOW!" Eddie said, pointing towards the door. Bill and I ran down the stairs, hand in hand. We hopped on his bike and went to his house.

When we got there, he pulled a first aid kit out of his bathroom and fixed my arms. I winced when the alcohol touched my wounds, but it felt better when he had my arms bandaged. We were in Bill's room. Everyone was silent. Bill and I were holding hands, my head resting on his shoulder.

"Are we not going to talk about what happened at the well house?" Eddie asked. I looked at him, confused. Until it snapped. Shit.

"What are you talking about?" Mike asks, looking down at Eddie. I gave Eddie a death glare.

"Well, I walked in on Bill and Y/N having a little make out session. What I mean by that is tongues down each other's throats and Y/N sitting on Bill's lap." He said. I felt my cheeks heat up instantly.

"There's something more important than that." Bill said.

"I had another encounter with It." I said, knowing where he was going with it. "He opened his mouth and there were these lights. Three of them. I felt lost in them, and for a minute, felt nothing, as if the clown was hypnotizing me. Now, I fell, I don't know, weird. Like it's still inside of me somewhere." I said, explaining every last detail and tearing up at the same time. Bill gave me a side hug and I instantly felt better.

Then, something in me turned off and it all went black...

A/N MWAHAHAHA! Cliffhanger! I got this idea from a fan, but it won't let me tag her and it's kinda making me mad, sooo... shout out to you. There were other ideas that were... interesting. What do you think will happen to you? Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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