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3rd person P.O.V

The group of teens arrived at the house that they had all feared once, but now you have no fear. You didn't fear that thing. It finally left your body, but now it needs to leave the world. You hated it. Bill grabbed onto your hand as you walked in, and you gladly accepted.

Your P.O.V.

Bill grabbed my hand as we walked into the house that had caused me fear for so long. I gladly accepted and intertwined our fingers. I lead them directly to the well. In the room, there was a conveniently placed rope, so we tied it to a little hook above the well. I went down first, and climbed into the small sewer that had been a few yards from the opening of the well.

Next came Bill, then Richie, then Stan, then Eddie. Mike started to climb down, but before we could we heard a loud yell. It was Mike.

"Mike, are you okay?!" Everyone had started screaming. Bowers' head popped towards the opening of the well. He made a weird sheep noise, before disappearing.

"Mike!" Everyone continued to scream. A few minutes later, Bowers came flying down the well. He hit the stone many times on his way down, his scream fading as he fell farther, until we couldn't hear him anymore. Mike loaded the gun, before accidentally knocking down the rest of the bullets.

"Guess we gotta use our last one wisely." He said. He climbed down, before we noticed that Stan was missing.

"Where's Stan?" Eddie asked. We started running towards the nearest paths we could find. When we finally found Stan, there was this woman sucking on his face. She had black hair and a twisted face. Her mouth stretched really far, and her teeth looked like little razors. She looked up at us with white eyes, before letting go of Stan. She slithered into another sewer path, but when her head poked back out, it was the clown.

I looked back to Stan, who was screaming. "No! You're not my friends! You left me! You left me alone!"

"Stan!" I screamed, causing his attention to land on me, "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." I told him. I gave him a hug, in which he returned. He cried onto my shoulder, tears and blood staining my shirt.

"Bill?!" Eddie screamed, causing me to pull away from the hug. I turned around and Bill was walking into another path. I helped Stan up, before running after Bill. I caught up to him and saw what he was following. Georgie. It was his little brother. I knew because he had shown me pictures of him while we were hanging out. I felt my eyes tear up when I saw the nub that was his arm.

"Georgie." Bill said, his voice cracking slightly as he was holding back tears.

"What took you so long?" Georgie said slightly above a whisper in a whimpering voice.

"I l-looked for you. Th-this whole t-time." Bill said.

"Take me home, Billy." Georgie spoke a little louder this time. I soon heard a bunch of footsteps behind, assuming it was the Losers.

"I miss you so much, Georgie. Me, m-mom, dad, and m-me." He choked out.

"I love you, Billy." Georgie said.

"I love you too, but you're not Georgie." Bill said before raising the gun to his brother's head. Georgie let out a whimper before Bill pulled the trigger. Georgie immediately fell to the ground. He was still for a few minutes, but then he started twitching, until it looked like he was having a type of seizure.

A little arm grew out of his bone, and he grew long legs. He had the same ruffled outfit as the clown. His face morphed into the clown.

"Kill it! Kill it!" Everyone screamed to Bill. He pulled the gun up and pulled the trigger. The gun did nothing, but there was a whole in the clowns head, which soon grew back. Then, he grabbed me.

"Y/n!" Bill screamed. I tried yelling back, but the clown was choking me.

"I'm. Not. Scared. Of you." I struggled to say. It glared at me and threw me on the ground. I scurried to my feet and ran to Bill. I hugged him tight, but he hugged me tighter. Then, the fight began. Richie and Bill jumped on the clown's back, while Stan and Ben tried to hurt the clown from the side. Ben bit the clowns hand, and Stan just held on. They were found into walls. The clown flew Richie back, and grabbed Bill, holding his hand against his throat.

"Let him go!" I screamed. The clown did nothing but laugh.

"No. I'll kill him. I'll kill all of you, and I'll feast on your flesh, as I feed on your fear. Or, I'll keep him, and I'll let you all live happy lives." The clown said loudly and roughly.

"Go! Leave me!" Bill kept screaming. Everyone looked at each other hesitantly.

"Guys, we can't!" I reminded them.

"Go!" Bill screamed again.

"I told you, Bill. I told all of you, and now we're all going to die. You punched me in the face, you made me walk through shitty water, you brought me to some crackhead's house," He paused and grabbed a wooden bat, "and now, I'm gonna have to kill this fucking clown." Richie said, before everyone grabbed a weapon and attacking it.

Bev and I grabbed a metal rod, Bill grabbed a crow bar, and Stan, Richie, Ben, and Mike all had different types of weapons. We started beating it, until we had it cornered. It fell onto its knees, and slowly morphed into something else. My dad.

"Hi babydoll," he began. I interrupted him by shoving the metal rod down his throat. He morphed back to himself again, and choked on the rod, only spitting half of it back out. He fell back into the deep hole in the floor.

"He thrusts his fist against the post, but still insists he sees the ghost." He repeated quietly. "Fear." He said, before falling down the hole. The floating kids started floating down. We all stood there with our mouths slightly open. Bill walked over to the circus supplies. I looked over to him to see him sitting by a little yellow raincoat. I walked over and sat down by him, and he let out a quiet sob. Soon, the rest of the club was hugging him. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and he pulled me into a tight embrace.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear.

"I love you too." I whispered back, smiling brightly.

The End.

A/n Guys, we did it! We actually finished a story. Do you guys want a sequel? 'Cause, if so, I'll make one. I might just make a sequel anyway, because this book was my evolution into writing, where I started writing chapters that were more than 500 words. Tell me if you want a sequel, and what it should be about. I might even add some character if you guys give me some descriptions of yourself, or an OC that you guys have. Thank you for joining me on this long journey. Love you.


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