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Your P.O.V.

I ran to the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. I quickly locked it before leaning against it. I slid down, hiding my face in my knees. "Why am I so stupid?" I whispered to myself, hoping no one heard me. I cried silently to myself, knowing that they would think I didn't like them. Then, I saw it. Something so scaring, it would stay in my mind forever.

A clown. A clown, holding a balloon. He had been wearing a white, puffy outfit. He had red hair surrounding his mostly bald head. He had red lips, the same color going to his eyes. He looked at me, grinning a creepy smile. I shrieked when he started walking towards me.

Bill's P.O.V.

While I was looking for Y/N, I heard a shriek come from the bathroom. I instantly ran to the door. I opened the door and saw Y/n curled into a ball on the floor, tears streaming down her face. I ran to her and pulled her into a tight hug. "A-are you o-okay?" I ask. She looked up at me and shook her head.

"There was this-this thing. It looked like a clown, but scarier. It walked towards me and-and it's teeth, they grew. Into spikes." She mumbled, looking around. Tears started to come out of her eyes again. I pulled her back into a hug, holding her tighter than before. She hugs back, her tears soaking my shoulder.

Seconds later, the rest of the gang came rushing in. Richie looked really sad. I've never seen a frown on his face. "I'm sorry, Y/n. I didn't mean to yell, I just, I don't know, got flustered." Richie blurted out, causing everyone to look at him, including Y/n. She stood up and gave him a hug. He looked shocked, but didn't reject it. We all joined the hug, standing there for a few minutes.

When we finished our hug, we went back to Y/n's room to continue our game. "Truth o-or dare?" I asked Bev.

"Truth?" She said.

"Is i-it true th-that you l-like Ben?" I asked. She nodded her head, which caused everyone to 'oohhh'. She rolled her eyes and continued.

"Y/n, truth or dare?" She asked.

"Dare." She said confidently. Damn she's pretty.

Your P.O.V.

Dare? Why the hell would I pick dare? Especially to Bev! Oh god.

"I dare you to kiss one of the boys." She said smirking. Damnit. Which one? Whoever I pick, the others might think that I like. I do like them! I just like all of them. They're all too sweet. Ugh.

"O-okay." I said shakily. Im a nervous train wreck! I know! "Einee Meanie Minie Moe." I said pointing at the boys. I opened my eyes, revealing my shaky finger pointing at Bill. I took in a deep breathe and walked over to him. I sat next to him, my body still shaking.

"What the fuck?" He mumbled to himself and connected our lips. I melted into his soft, warm lips. It only lasted 3 seconds, but it felt like an eternity. When we pulled away, I had a smile planted on my face, while Bill was blushing like an idiot. I laughed at him, before returning to reality.

Everyone, except Ben and Bev, looked upset. Then, I remembered. They like me. Shit. "I need to tell you guys something. I-I saw something in the bathroom. A clown. It tried, I don't know, eating me. Bill saved me. When he came into the bathroom, It looked scared." I admitted. They all looked at me shocked. "This might be what got to Betty and, um..." I said, trailing off, not wanting to mention Georgie in front of Bill.

"Georgie." Bill said. "If this thing got Georgie, then I need to save him. We need to find It." Bill finished for me. I sadly nodded. "We can go to the sewers. To look." Bill said. No one said anything.

"I'll go." I blurted, causing everyone to look at me.

"Really?" Bill smiled. I nodded my head.

"Me too. I don't want this thing bothering anyone anymore." Richie said. The rest of the gang nodded in agreement.

"I'm going to take a shower." I said getting up. I felt someone grabbing my wrist.

"Will you be okay?" Bill asked, concern in his eyes.

"I think so." I replied. He nodded, letting go of my arm. I walked into the bathroom hesitantly, still a little scared. I undressed and turned the warm water on. I stepped in. I got through the shower without It appearing. When I stepped out, I put my clothes on. While I was brushing my hair, I heard whispers. Whispers of children.

"Save us. Save us!" That said. I looked down the drain.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"The missing children. The dead children." They whispered. "We all float down here!" They whispered. They repeated that one sentence. Then, something came out of the drain. It was like vines. It grabbed my hands, then my feet, then my face, forcing me to look down the drain.

Something gurgled out. It looked like blood. Blood then started splattering everywhere all over the bathroom. I screamed mindlessly, not knowing what else to do. "Bill! Richie! Guys!" I screamed. I was now drenched with blood. "Help! Please!" I screamed even louder. Seconds later, I heard the door open. It wasn't the Losers though. It was my mom.

"What the hell? What happened?" She asked.

"The blood." I said.

"What blood?" She asked. I looked at her, utterly confused. "Go to bed. You need sleep." She said, walking out of the door. I got up mad walked into my room.

"Holy shit! Wh-what happened?" Bill asked.

"You can see it?" I asked. He nodded his head. I pointed towards the bathroom. "Couldn't you hear me scream?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I-I'm so so-sorry Y/n." Bill said, pulling me into a hug. I noticed the rest of the Losers were already in the bathroom.

"What the fuck?" Richie yelled. Bill ran into the bathroom.

"How?" Bev asked me.

"The missing children, they talked to me. They told me that they all float. Told me to help. Something grabbed me, and I was forced to look down the drain. Then, blood came out everywhere." I sobbed. This time, Stan pulled me into a hug. I cried into his chest.

"You have to wash the blood off eventually." Eddie stated. I nodded my head.

"I don't want to be alone. I'm scared, okay? I'm fucking scared that It's going to get us. Get all of you." I admitted, pulling away from Stan.

"We need to clean this bathroom first. We can't leave it like this." Richie stated. I nodded my head. Once we were done cleaning, everyone left the room.

Before Bill could leave, I grabbed his hand. "Can you stay by the door?" I asked, looking right into his eyes. He nodded his head and sat down by the door.

A.N. Do you guys think that this should just be Bill? I fell like that's how it's going to go. Hope you enjoyed.

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