Witches (Gretel)

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AN: I've been watching Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters a lot lately and this popped into my head.  

"Shit." You muttered as you ran through the forest. If there was one thing you hated, it was entitled assholes. The sheriff's son was one of those and you in some judgement-lacking events, pissed him off. You tripped over a branch and looked around, not recognizing anything. However there was a sense of darkness that surrounded you that was oddly familiar. "Look what you've done now genius." 

"Ha!" A man yelled as you were pulled up into a tree by your ankles. "Huh, you are not what I was chasing. Here, let me help you down." 

"Thanks." You said as he helped you down. "By the way, the witches normally hide out in the day near the lake. There's a short cut through town, but they're probably there with trolls blocking the bridges." 

"Thank you." He said running off. You set up a camp and then decided to take a short walk in the part of the forest that was given to the townspeople. You noticed a limp body laying on both sides of the border and moved it down to the river. It was a woman and you carried her fairly easily down to the river. You set her in the river, but made sure her head was above water and that the current wasn't taking her away. 

"S-shit." She muttered under her breath as a rush of cold water went by. "Who are you? What happened to the witch?" 

"I'm Y/n and I sent a guy after him. He should be fine, there's a plethora of other hunters searching for the witches." You said and she stood up quickly. "No, you're badly injured. I'll go after him, all you really need to kill one of them is some smarts." 

"Weapons tend to help." She said and you helped her walk over to a rock. "Thank you for helping me, I'm Gretel." 

"No problem, anybody keeping witches from my spot is good." You said and Gretel smiled. "Also, I have weapons for the record. They're not fancy like your guns and crossbow, but they get the job done." 

"Have the witches been bothering you?" Gretel asked and you nodded. 

"Nothing I haven't been handling with some traps." You said and Gretel looked around and noticed your blueprints on the walls. "Normally it keeps them away, but sometimes you get the ones who just won't let up." 

"I'll help you take care of them." Gretel said and you shook your head. 

"Kill one, you break the truce, they attack the town, I get blamed and killed." You said and Gretel frowned. "I'm the peacekeeper. The town sends one out every single time the other one dies. It doesn't matter if they're a baby or an adult. They've been through three in my lifetime." 

"Are you the third?" Gretel asked and you shook your head. "Fourth?" 

"Yep, the first three were killed." You said and Gretel looked worried. "I'm fine, the town supplies me with food and stuff and the witches don't attack the town when I'm here. I sometimes do favors for them and they don't kill me." 

"Why are they attacking now?" Gretel asked and you looked down. 

"The new mayor hired some witch hunters." You said and Gretel nodded. "They're attacking me to scare them away and if they don't leave, they'll ambush the town." 

"Why don't you leave?" Gretel asked and you shrugged. "Escape the witches, you shouldn't have to pay for your town's mistakes." 

"I would, but I like my little cave. It's been my home for a long time. Although I would love to go to a real school, learn how to do all sorts of things." 

"I'll take you." Gretel said and you smiled at her. "Seriously, I'll take you away from the witches and let you learn and if you don't like it, we'll come back together." 

"You have your own life, I have mine." You said and Gretel shook her head. 

"Maybe I want to learn too." Gretel said and you smiled. 

"Who am I to deny anybody their education?" You asked and Gretel kissed you. In the morning the two of you left and you'd travel for years, losing track of time. You encountered a few witches and learned that Gretel was a famous witch hunter, giving up possible fortune to travel and learn with you. When you finally returned, the town was destroyed, overtaken by witches. You kept your cave though, watching over the town and seeing another built where the witches used to be. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2018 ⏰

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