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Phil wakes up to a knocking on the door. He opens it and Maria is standing there.

Maria: *smiles* Morning. It's time to get ready for school. Dan left about an hour ago but he told me to tell you that he's grateful for being able to sleep over.

Phil: Ok.

Maria: *starts walking away* Come down once you've changed if you want breakfast.

Once Phil has changed and eaten his breakfast, he drives to school with Panic!At the Disco blaring on his radio.

First class was geography. Phil didn't mind geography, it wasn't as bad as other lessons such as maths or French. Phil got to his seat and the teacher walked in with a boy. The boy looked cheerful. He must be new, Phil thought to himself. The boy had light brown hair that was slightly curly and he had brown eyes. Once everyone had gotten to class, the teacher started to talk.

Teacher: Class, we have a new student with us today. If you'd like to introduce yourself...

Connor: Hi everyone. My name is Connor and I recently moved here from America with my mum and my younger sister.

Teacher: Ok. Connor if you'd like to go sit with Phil.

Connor: *confused* Which one is Phil?


Teacher: Pj, quiet. Phil put your hand up please.

Phil sighs and puts his hand up, with everyone watching him. Some look confused, as if they didn't even know he was in this class, or that he even existed. Connor smiled and went to the back of the class where Phil was sitting and sat in the seat next to him.

Connor: Hi, I'm Connor...which I've already said and now I sound stupid. Sorry.

Phil: *laughs* Hi Connor. I'm Phil.

Connor: Ok cool.

The lesson went pretty quickly as Connor and Phil were getting on. Phil thought that Connor was very friendly. He was an excited person. Once the bell had gone, they went to their next class and sat by each other again. The first half of the day went flying fast and soon it was dinner time.

Connor: I'm sorry if it's rude or anything, but could I sit with you lunch time?

Phil: Sure, if you don't mind going outside.

Connor: Outside? You eat outside?

Phil: Yes. It's easier to avoid people that way. There's a lot of mean people in this school so it's best to ignore them.

Connor: Oh ok. I don't mind going outside.

Phil and Connor picked up their food. Then they walked outside to a bench and sat by each other.

Phil: You enjoying the school so far?

Connor: I don't know. I just really miss my old school honestly. I had to leave my best friend and that was really hard to do. Also, nobody apart from you has spoken to me so they're not very friendly people here.

As Phil is about to answer he gets interrupted by a new voice.

Pj: Found you!

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