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Dan had never liked them. Always bad memories attached to them. Right now he was in the waiting room, awaiting news on Phil.

So many questions were swirling through his head.

Why would he do that?
He must now that I'm the one messaging him?
How do I explain this to him?
Why did he want to die so badly?
Yes he gets bullied...badly, but why?

A nurse comes into the waiting room.

Nurse: Daniel Howell?

Dan: Yep?

Nurse: Phil is in a stable condition, but we will have to keep him in for a few days. His mothers have been called and they will be visiting tomorrow, as visiting times are over. You must go home and get some rest.

Dan: *reluctant* Ok. Thank you.

Dan leaves the hospital and catches the bus home. Dan is going to get hell from his father when he gets home. He's late, Dan is never late. His dad will be questioning him. Will Dan tell him what really happened? Probably not.

Dan opens the door to the house and immediately, the smell of alcohol hits him like a truck. Dan tries to tiptoe upstairs but his dad sees him from the kitchen.

Dan's dad: *slurring* Trying to run away like a child are you?

Dan: N-no of course not.

Dan's dad: Where have you been? It's late.

Dan: A friend i-is in hospital and I wanted to go see him.

Dan's dad: A friend huh? Was it a girl or a boy?

Dan knew what was coming, but he couldn't lie. If his dad found out that he was lying, it'd be even worse.

Dan: *sighs* A b-boy.

Dan's dad: I knew it. You leave me no choice son...

His dad throws him into the brick wall so violently, there could've been a dent. Dan slides to the floor, blood pouring out of his skull like a small fountain. Dan's dad grabs his head and hits it again and again on the wall until Dan couldn't even feel it anymore. His dad gives one final smack to his head against the wall and walks out of the room...satisfied. Dan falls completely to the floor-still awake-but unblinking.

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