Alcorian Gods and Goddesses.

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The gods and goddesses are semi-immortal and can live for centuries however, they will eventually die and a new god will be born in place sixteen years before they die so that they can take over effective immediately.

The Gods.

God Marcellus (Mar-sell-us) – Weather and Elements.

God Severinus (Se-ver-in-us) – War and Hatred.

God Miriam (Mir-ee-am) – Power and Courage.

God Denzel (Den-zool) – Agriculture and Seasons.

God Samael (Sam-ale) – Prophecies and Healing.

God Blandus (Bland-us) – Armour and weaponry.

God Aurelio (Ore-eel-io) – Victory and Skill.

God Alexius (A-lex-ius) – Luck and Good Fortune.

God Valerius (Val-air-eeus) – Protection and Strength.

God Alonzo (Al-on-zo) – Trickery and Evil.

God Nakato (Nah-cato) – Harvest and Abundance.

The Goddesses.

Goddess Thalia (Tha-leah) – Magic and Shifting.

Goddess Antonia (Ant-on-ia) – Peace and Joy.

Goddess Media (Med-ia) – Fate and Destiny.

Goddess Florianna (Floor-ee-an-a) – Love and Marriage.

Goddess Kassandra (Kass-and-rah) – Hunting and Animals.

Goddess Sephoriana (Seph-ore-ee-an-a) – Death and Souls.

Goddess Irina (Ear-een-ah) – Destruction and Revenge.

Goddess Felina (Fell-een-ah) – Innocence and Youth.

Goddess Aella (Aye-ell-ah) – Justice and Truth.

Goddess Marianna (Mar-ee-anna) – Wisdom and Morals.

Goddess Retuna (Re-tuna) – Time and Teleportation.

Goddess Edwyna (Ed-ween-a) – Dreams and Hope.

Goddess Lina (Lean-ah) – Jealousy and Deception.

Goddess Nyssa (Nice-ah) – Ruler of the deities.

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