mission gone wrong... Part 1

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They are lost in the woods, after chasing a subclass that kept spying on them both. The blind, stumbling reaper- jeje began to walk forwards he then turned to Mikuni knowing he would be unable to deliver the adolescent back home before bed. He decide to break the silence with a long snarl of words: " I'm so sorry my young master I was unaware of the time and... and I don't know where we are..." he looked at the ground his foot rubbing against the floor with his eye wandering the surface of the dirt making it to Mikuni's feet and pausing for his moment of reply.

Finally he replied with: " GOD, WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GET ME LOST ON SUCH A LAME-ASS PATH AS THIS?! HUH?..!" Jeje replied with... "Mikuni we'll get out of here... I mean it's my duty to keep you safe, so that's what I'll do alright, now then let's get onto higher ground, so that we can get a better view of where we are... keep calm it's alright.. I'm here... sorry that wasn't a very good way of cheering you up after all I'm not very good at comforting you at this point..."

"What do you mean at this point?... WELL?!!!-"he waited for reply... after a few seconds passing Jeje sent out his words on string that was somehow able to suggest that Mikuni should calm down a little. "Mikuni.. you know the answer... you are growing up and you are becoming unable to get this out of the way... you know all this... you learnt all this in PSHE... am I not getting through to you?... OI!" Mikuni stared up at him with open eyes eager to know his next word.

"Puberty, you're going through mood swings and it's fine, natural... nature's timing sucks, you can say that again, but... still, get used to it and don't worry you can come to me if need be...alright?... Now then let's go on home, shall we?!..."

Mikuni walked up to his on-point partner trembling at the thought of asking for help from him, wondering if it would seem weak of him to speak at this point.

He tugged at his partners long swaying fabric that covered his shape and edges, he said " sorry to bother you at this point... but would you do me the honour of being my first love?..."

Jeje didn't answer for a while... he just stood there thinking over what his young master just said to him. Mikuni began to scale the tree hoping that his reaper like figure of true love would help him out... he didn't he just stood there still as could be, by the time they had finished thinking it was already nightfall.

Mikuni has finally gotten up the tree and Jeje had finally gotten out of his standby position, he joined his partner in the tree with one leap he was already at the top, Mikuni growled a few words under his breath then said aloud: "so you made it hu-" but before he could finish his sentence Jeje replied and said " As long as I get to blame what happens on you..."

"EH?..."Jeje bent down leaning his face very close to Mikuni's after lifting his box from is mouth and nose he pulled Mikuni's hips in close to his and kissed Mikuni in a soft kind of nice way.

Now sat in the canopy and falling asleep in a comfortable foetus shape in the bole of the tree. The two were snuggled into one another's bodies and slept through the night in the forest, where they were still lost in, but that was for tomorrow, for now it is to feel safe and warm with each others sweet scents and replenishing textures.

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