One night was all it took

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(Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. If I did, then it's SaixSakura all the way. This is not my story I found it on the internet I thought it would be a great story so yeah . The creator of this story is the best .)

It was a brand new day. A ray of sunlight filtered through the glass window and sprayed across the jounin, Sakura Haruno's bedroom floor. Feeling the sun's heat, the kunoichi slowly opened her eyes and blinked several times in an attempt to get rid of sleep. A sudden stab of pain went through her head and she groaned.

Closing her eyes, she turned on her other side to hug her pillow. Taking in the mixed scent of ink and peppermint, she sighed.

Wait, ink? Peppermint? Sakura furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. How did that happen? What happened to my Cherry Blossom air freshener? When an arm snaked around her waist, she became even more confused and panicky. Huh? Pillows don't hug you back!

With her heart battering against her chest, the kunoichi untangled herself, sat up, and opened her eyes with dread. Her clothes were strewn all over the floor along with a familiar long-sleeved midriff shirt and matching pants.

No... Please... Let it be someone else, anyone else...

She turned her head to the person next to her. And screamed.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU BASTARD?!" She tried to jump out of bed, but Sai's arm was still around her waist. Besides, she just realized that she wasn't wearing any clothes and the blanket was her only cover.

Stirred from sleep by her screeching, Sai opened his eyes and seeing her next to him, only blinked. "Hello," he said.

"Ahhhh!" Sakura grabbed the bedclothes and jumped out of bed. Seeing that Sai was also... unclothed, she screamed again and turned around, squeezing her eyes closed. "P-Put some clothes on!"

Sai didn't reply, simply shuffled around. Sakura waited, her eyes closed as tightly as she could. Please let this be a dream! Please let this be a nightmare! Please! I did not sleep with Sai.... I did not sleep with this ink-using bastard.

"I'm decent," came his soft voice.

Red-faced and infuriated, the kunoichi turned to face him with a death glare. "How dare you take advantage of me!"

At first, he looked taken aback. Then, his lips upturned into amusement. "Me? Take advantage of you? You are gravelly mistaken, Hag. It was you who took advantage of me. I simply went along with it."

"WHAT?" she yelled at him. "I-I-I... I would never-"

"Oh, but you did." He kept that stupid fake-smile of his plastered on his face. "I wouldn't dream of ever sleeping with you, but you were quite persistent last night. Don't you remember?"

Sakura racked her brains. What did happen last night? The last thing she remembered was indulging herself in sake after sake with Ino. She must have had gotten drunk and...

"No..." Shaking her head, she backed to the wall. "No way. I wouldn't-"

"Ah... But you did."

"But I have no reason to! I know you're my friend Sai but I don't like you in that way." She began pacing around the room. "There has to be a more acceptable, logical explanation to this-"

"There is no other explanation, hag." He was suddenly in front of her and heat rushed to her face. "Would you like me to help you recall?"


The cocktail glass landed with a slam on the wooden bar table.

"One more round," the pinkette drawled to the bartender.

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