The lasy straw for sasuke

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Chapter 8-

The sun was beginning to set from the horizon. Day creatures of various kinds crawled into their homes while nocturnal creatures crawled out to begin their own version of morning. In a deserted forest clearing, a team of Lead shinobi was setting up camp for the night. They had just finished the B-rank mission they were assigned and were currently traveling back to their village after a week of being away. Two more day's journey and they'd be home.

The team leader, Sasuke, began barking out orders. "Misaki, find the stream we passed earlier and refill our bottles."

The male Chuunin nodded, grabbed their water bottles and left.

"Rima, you start the food."

The sole female member of the team sighed. "Stupid stereotypes," she mumbled, grabbing their food packs.

Sasuke just rolled his eyes. "Usui, you're helping me set up the tent."

"Hai, Sasuke-sama!" The young male Chuunin saluted. He idolized the Uchiha and followed him around like a lost puppy.

Though he wasn't a jounin, Sasuke was given position as team leader due to his skills. He knew, however, that it would take him more than just a couple of A and B-rank missions for Tsunade to trust him enough to be a jounin. At least she trusted him with a team.

With the tent set up, the food all cooked and eaten, and their water supply stocked up, the team settled in for the night. Sasuke took first watch as the others rested. The raven-haired Uchiha leaned back against a tree and looked up into the night sky. He couldn't wait to go home; he missed Sakura badly. Surely by now, she had come to her senses and was ready to welcome him back to her life? After several years of chasing after him, she wasn't about to give up now, was she? In Sasuke's opinion, it was utterly ridiculous. Sakura was just going through a phase because of her pregnancy. Once this was all over, she'd realize her mistake in choosing Sai and go back to him, Sasuke Uchiha.

At the thought of the artist who replaced him in all he owned, Sasuke frowned. How could anyone say that the two of them were similar? In looks, maybe, but in everything else, they were most definitely different. How could anyone think the ex-Root was better than him? Worthy of choosing than him? Instinctively, Sasuke reached into his pack and pulled out a small bottle of whiskey. He preferred its taste over sake's. The alcohol burned his throat as he downed it and he could feel its effects taking over.

Sakura will come back to me.

He raised the bottle to his lips again.

She's mine.

He took another swig.

I won't lose her to the likes of him.

Meanwhile, in Konoha...

"Sai, where the heck are we going?" Sakura asked, waving a hand in front of her, blindly. Her other hand was clasped in Sai's own as he led the blindfolded girl to their destination. "I swear, if you're playing a joke on me, I'll make sure you die a slow and painful death."

Sai only chuckled. "Now, now, Sakura-chan. You know I wouldn't play a joke on you. At least, not while you're pregnant. Maybe sometime after you give birth."

"Hmph, haha," Sakura let out a sarcastic laugh, but held onto his hand for dear life.

"Just a little further." They stopped and she heard a door open. The artist pulled her along, gently as she took careful steps. They stopped again and Sai placed a hand on her waist and turned her towards a different direction. "Ready?"

Sakura shrugged, acting nonchalant but was in actuality, curious as to why he wanted to take her out for her lunch break. "Bring it on."

Sai untied the blindfold and Sakura blinked several times, adjusting her eyes to the sudden light. Looking around, she realized that they were in his apartment. They were eating here? The last time he tried to cook, she almost had food poisoning.

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