Together at last

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Chapter 10-

"I'm so happy that I'm gonna be out of here," the pink-haired girl said, brushing her hair in front of the bathroom mirror. "One more day in here and I'll go nuts!"

From outside, Sai chuckled as he finished packing her clothes and his. "Now you know how your patients feel."

"Haha." But Sakura smiled, gently. She could get use to this new comfort zone.

She never felt so happy in her entire life. Not only did she have a baby to look forward to, she was now with Sai, who loved her and the baby so much that he would put his life in the line for them. She knew that she made the right choice in choosing him. Now, they could be a family, a real family.

Seeing that her hair was no longer the nest of tangles that it was earlier, Sakura exited the bathroom to help her boyfriend (oh, how she reveled at the thought!) pack the rest of their belongings.

After Naruto's outburst that morning, Sakura's punch, and her and Sai's explanation of their newly established relationship, the blonde had scowled at the dark-haired artist before sighing in acceptance.

"I guess there's no use stopping it," he said, scratching the back of his head. "I kinda saw this coming anyway." Then, he looked at Sai and flashed him a small smile. "Take care of her, teme."

"I will, dickless," Sai had replied, a smile on his face.

"Why you-"

But before the blonde could hurt Sakura's boyfriend, Tsunade had entered the room and glomped him on the head, saying, "I heard you caused a ruckus in my hospital this morning."

Nursing his head, Naruto whined, "But Obaa-san... Sai and Sakura we're sleeping together!"

Tsunade raised an eyebrow. "I believe we've established that when Sakura told me she was with child."

"No! I mean, they slept, side-by-side on the same bed last night!"

"Hmm... What's wrong with that?"

"Obaa-san! They're together!"

"Yes, I can see that."

"Grrr... I don't mean that! I mean, together together."


"They're dating!"

For a moment, Tsunade seemed to have frozen. Then, she grinned. "I'm not so surprised."

At this, Naruto simply "hmmphed" while Sakura turned scarlet. Meanwhile, Sai was unfazed and had instead, said pleasantly, "Feel free to examine Sakura-chan now, Hokage-sama."

And Tsunade did. The whole time though, the pink-haired kunoichi couldn't shake the fact that her master seemed to be sending Sai penetrating glares. However, the latter kept smiling, happily. After declaring that Sakura was now stable and free to leave, Tsunade walked up to Sai, a smirk on her face.

"Well, Sai. You and my little apprentice eh?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

She patted him on the shoulder... so hard that if Sai had been any other person, his knees would have buckled underneath him. But as mentioned, this was Sai; he was not easily brought to his knees.

"I trust that you'll keep her safe."

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

Smiling widely, she bent down and stared deep into his eyes. "If you hurt her in any way, shape or form, you shall be severely punished. I will make sure that you die a very slow and painful death."

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