The Color PinkChapter 3
Hearing the ruffle of leaves despite the absence of wind, Konoha's guards shook exhaustion from their bodies and prepared themselves. However, they found that they had nothing to worry about. Landing gracefully outside the village gates, they welcomed home Team Kakashi. The three shinobis were praised on another successful mission and the team was ready to take a well-deserved break.
"You two go on ahead your merry way," Yamato told Naruto and Sai. "I'll report to Tsunade-sama."
And with that, he left in a puff of smoke. Naruto turned to Sai, pumping a fist into the air in triumph. "Alright! So, you wanna go to Ichiraku's and celebrate?"
Sai considered this and nodded.
At Ichiraku's, as they waited for their order, the artist turned to the jinchuriki. "Naruto, I have to ask you something," he said.
"Oh no." Naruto shook his head and waved his arms in front of him. "I am not lending you any money. I barely have enough for five bowls of ramen."
Sai sweat dropped before grinning, sheepishly. "As much as I would love for you to pay for my meal, that is not my question."
"Oh." The blonde sighed in relief. "Thank Kami. So, uh, what do you need?"
Sai, with no hint of shame or embarrassment, asked him straight out, "How do you ask someone to marry you?"
Five seconds later, Sai was thrown out of the restaurant. Kakashi, who happened to be passing by, dropped his book and caught the artist right on time as he flew in his direction.
________________________"Ino, this is really unnecessary," Sakura complained as Ino dragged her around the department store. "It's too early to buy baby clothes."
"What are you talking about, forehead?" Ino went through a rack of sweaters. "It is never too early for clothes shopping. And besides, we may never get another sale on baby clothes again, so you might as well take the opportunity to get them."
"But we don't even know if it's a boy or a girl yet."
"Duh, that's why we're picking neutral colors." She held out a yellow, baby-size sweater before placing it in Sakura's already full basket. Tapping her index finger against her chin, she continued to scan the rack. "Let's see, how about sky-blue, forest green, and white?" She added the sweaters into the pile, grabbed Sakura's arm and dragged her to another rack. "This is so exciting!"
Sakura rolled her eyes. "I think the future godmother is more excited than the mother herself." The pinkette didn't know what she was thinking when she agreed to make Ino the godmother.
"I know!" Ino squealed, dumping more and more clothes into the basket. "Be prepared forehead, I will be spoiling the little sucker."
"Whoopee," Sakura muttered sarcastically. Inwardly though, she smiled. She was glad that Ino was supporting her all the way. They even planned to live together once the baby comes, so that Ino could help her raise the little tyke.
A few days ago, Sakura decided that she doesn't care whether Sai would help her in supporting the baby or not, she was keeping it. Once he comes back from his mission, she would be telling him not to worry any further because she would do it herself. Sai didn't have to concern himself with the child and he could go on his merry life and Sakura would raise the child herself, with Ino in the sidelines, of course.
As Ino chattered on and on and dumped more clothes in the already full basket, Sakura brought a hand to her belly and rubbed gently, a soft smile playing in her lips.

Saisaku (the colour pink ) complete
FanfictionAll it took to fell in love , is a one nightstand Please read this before you read the story , I'm not actually the author , I came Upon the story on fan fiction , and I'll like to share it with you all so please visit the actual website on fan...