Dare 2

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Gigi : hey today joins us my old friend celine and she brings a lots of dares

Celine : hey everyone let's start with the dares

Valt : is there a dare for me ?

Celine : nah the most are for wakiya and lui

Wakiya : why me

Celine : cause i don't like you

Gigi : then let's start i want to see how you will torture him

Celine : first wakiya has do go in a supermarket and climb on the shelves .
Then he has to dance and run away with some cookies.

Wakiya : what no way i would never to that

Gigi : if you don't do the dare

Celine : you will DIE

Both: GOT IT ?!

Wakiya : y-y-yeah

Wakiya goes into the supermarket and climbs on the shelves.

Gigi : I'm going to take the pictures

Celine : and i will film the whole thing

Random guy: what is he doing on the top of that shelf

Another person: i don't know but i will call the police

Celine : wakiya didn't you forgot something. * smirks *

Then wakiya starts to dance like an idiot and almost fell off the shelf . After that he takes some cookies and runs away .

After two hours

Gigi : shouldn't he be here a long time ago

Celine : yeah should we go looking for him

Gigi : nah he will come back here sooner or later

Wakiya: I'm * pants * here

Gigi : where were you

Celine : and have you the cookies

Wakiya : i was chased by the police for the last two hours and yes i have the cookies

Celine : gimme the cookies * takes the cookies and eats them happily *

Gigi : don't you have more dares

Celine: yeah and the next dare is for wakiya and lui . You guys have to be nice for the next chapters

Wakiya : no way ! Are you stupid or something?

Gigi : shut up and do you dare or you know what gonna happens

Wakiya : *gulps * O-okay i will do it

Lui : whatever

Celine : ahem

Lui : * groans* i mean yeah i will do it too

Gigi : better

Celine : oh i have forgot wakiya has to buy ice cream for everyone

Everyone but wakiya : YES

Wakiya : why me

Gigi : because you're rich .

Celine : leave more asks and dares

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