Dare 21

159 13 11

Gigi : Joa guys ! We have somebody new who joins us !

Celine: David, be nice to Dawn (Ilovebeyblade2 )

David: I'm always nice

Olivia: sureee .... hi dawn

Dawn: hey everyone

Lina : do you want to start ?

Dawn:ok , I dare everyone to do the ice bucket challenge except Daigo, he has to do it with jelly and ice cream

David: I'm out , bye ... * walks away *

Olivia: you're not going anywhere ! *tips a bucket ice water onto him * now you can go

David: * shivers* It's so cold

Nathi : let me guess, you blame Ukyo?

David: um yeah ?! Who wouldn't blame him ?

Everyone: * raises their hands *

David: you're all losers!

Celine: mmh at least we're not crazy

Lina: guys! We should do the dare

Dawn : um yes and here are ice cream and jelly for daigo *gives it to daigo *

Daigo : wat that ? * starts to eat the jelly *

Nathi : no , don't eat it ! Just give it to me * grabs the things and tips it onto daigo *

Daigo: Hey ! * licks his Hand * o I tastin goot

Valt: lemme tast * licks Daigo's face *you right

Celine: weird ...

Everyone: * does the ice bucket challenge * cold !

Dawn: haha ok I don't have more dares

Kaylee: then it's my turn ! I dare Daigo to cuddle and sleep with Free and my cousin dares Daigo to slap Valt and say : we're not friends anymore

Celine: and that's how you destroy ships ...

Kaylee: sorry...

Free : oh please not , he smells of alcohol!

Gigi : oh come on , please do it . If you do it you can kiss David

David: nope he can kiss you !

Olivia: or he kisses both of you * smirks *

Free : fine * cuddles with daigo on the couch and falls asleep *

David: * glares at them *

Tameka: David are you jealous?

David: no I'm not * crosses his arms *

Yukita: are you sure ?

David: yess !

Melissa: really?


Free : * wakes up * Wtf ? Who is jealous?

David: *is really angry * ME  NOT !!!

Free : mmh suree * kisses Davids and Gigi's cheek *

Kaylee: ok daigo, slap Valt and say that you're not his friend anymore ok ?

Daigo: I don get it

Kaylee: slap Valt and say that you're...

Daigo: wy shold I slap Valt ?

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