Dare 9

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Gigi: Hey guys, we have another friend who joins us , say hey to jazz(ShippyShip99 )

Everyone: Hey Jazz

Gigi : do you want to * gets interrupted*

Celine: Tameka, I like your first dare so you start

Tameka: ok , shu has to dress up as Elsa from frozen and sing let it go

Shu: but I don't know the lyrics and don't have a costume

Celine: don't worry, I have a costume * gives him the costume *

Gigi: and I have the lyrics * gives him the lyrics *

Shu: you two really hate me , don't you ?

Celine : yeah

Tameka: but know put the dress on and start to sing

Shu: fine * changes and sings until the song was over*

Olivia, Celine and gigi : wow that was ...

Olivia: awesome

Celine and gigi : terrible

Tameka : my second dare is for gigi and valt to style both lui and daigo 's hair anyway they want to

Gigi : yay that will be fun

Lui : noo , not my hair again

Tameka: too bad

Celine: now starts

Gigi and valt removes daigo's bandana and braid his hair . Lui becomes big tails .

Celine: you both look like girls , good dares Tameka

Tameka: thank you

Gigi : now daigo is ready for his date

Daigo : a date ?

Jazz: yeah I dare you to go on a date with valt

Valt : *blushes * um ok , come on daigo * takes his hand and both leave *

Olivia: should we follow them

Gigi: I want to but we have a lots of dares left . But I got an idea. UKYO!

Ukyo: yeah

Gigi : can you please follow valigo and take pics ?

Ukyo: ok but just because you asked so nice

Gigi : yay * kisses his cheek * you should go now ok ?

Ukyo: o-ok * follows valigo *

Jazz: ok now shuon has to kiss again and say that they love each other

Celine: yay I ship them sooooo much

Gigi : yeah me too , shu how much do you love quon

Shu : um * blushes * I don't love him

Jazz : just admit that you love him , we all know that

Shu: fine , quon I love you

Quon: I love me too

Celine: QUON !

Quon: fine , I love you too shu * kisses him *

Jazz: * takes pics *

Melissa: * takes pictures too* I love this ship

Celine : me too and Olivia you have to share shu with quon

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