Dare 12

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Gigi : Hey guys

Celine: we got a lots of dares so , who wants to start

Tameka : let me start

Olivia: kk

Tameka: first I dare Xander to carry me on his shoulders until the end of the chapter

Xander: ok * puts her on his shoulders *

Tameka: wow that's high


Tameka: valt, you don't need to scream I can hear you  and it's higher than I expected

Valt : SOUNDS GOOD um sorry

Tameka: * rolles her eyes *ok my next dare is for lui . You have to carry yukita bride style for the next two hours.

Lui : ok *blushes and picks her up *

Yukita : * blushes * yay

Daigo: now you don't have to walk for the next two hours

Yukita: yep * smiles *

Tameka: ok my next dare is for shu  and wakiya to hit 6 people they hate . But you can't hit me

Wakiya : fine * smirks and hits naoki, lui , Ukyo, ben ,shu and zac *

Ukyo: why did you hit me ?

Wakiya: cause you stopped me from hitting gigi last time

Ukyo: whatever, shu now is your turn

Shu : k * hits lui * done

Jazz : but you have to hit 6

Shu : I like the others so

Celine: * whispers to gigi and yukita * oh no shu likes us , that isn't good

Yukita : nope , we ...

Shu : what are you talking about?

Gigi : nothing

Rantaro: ok ... Tameka tell us your next dare

Tameka: I dare everyone to call ben bunny!

Ben : i hate you

Tameka: I love me too

Ken: sorry bunny but we have to

Ben : I will leave this Place * wants to leave *

Celine: nope ! Come back bunny * grabs his wrist *

Gigi : Benny the bunny sounds good * smirks *

Ben : come on ken , we will go in my room * goes with ken in his room *

Celine: now I want to know what they do upstairs * smirks *

Ukyo: I don't like that smirk

Celine: I will go upstairs too * smirks *

Jazz: can i come with you

Celine: sure * goes with jazz upstairs *

Valt: what want they upstairs

David: Celine obviously wants to watch them by whatever they do

Tameka: ok ... now back to my dares . I dare rantaro to wear wakiya's clothes

Rantaro: ok fine , wakiya gimme your clothes

Wakiya: but then I will be naked

David: how about you give him some  clothes you don't wear now * rolls his eyes *

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