Dare 5

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Gigi  : hey everyone ! Today my friends will join us

David: hey guys

Olivia : hii

Gigi : now let's start with olivia

Olivia : i dare akira to go on zac's concert , steal  the mic and sing let it go . I also dare lui , ukyo, daigo , shu  and  valt to wear a neko costume.  Oh and i have an ask for  shu

Celine : ok i will go and get shu * goes and comes  a bit later with shu back *

Gigi : ok shu,  you have  an ask 

Shu : whats the ask ?

Olivia: why are you so cute ?

Shu : oh well * blushes * i don't know 

Gigi : ok now   WAKIYA !!

Wakiya : what the hell ?

Gigi : wakiya  , buy us neko costumes

Wakiya : fine

Olivia: no , i have some and now put them on

Ukyo: no , i will look like an idiot

Celine: put it on or i will tell everyone who you have a crush on * smirks *

Ukyo : O///O fine

Gigi : tell me i wanna know

Celine : sorry but he won't do it if i tell you

Gigi : fine

Lui :  i don't wanna do it

Olivia: you have to do it ! now go and put them on boys ! No complaints

Daigo : but ...

Gigi : no just go and change

Boys: fine * change into the custume *

Valt : here we are

Olivia: shu you look cute * blushes *

Shu : thanks * blushes *

Celine and Gigi :  you guys look adorable  * taking pictures *

Celine : now akira go on zac's concert and sing let it go

Akira : ehm ok let's go

Akira goes on the stage , grabs the mic and starts to sing

Random girl : akira i love you but isn't this zac's concert

Random guy: leave the stage 

Zac : akira ,  Why are you  here

Akira : * finishes singing * well it was a dare * runs away *

Zac : that was weird

Gigi : ok now david what are you dares

David : i dare  yugo to make ukyo jealous , i dare valt to kiss Celine and shu to kiss Olivia, i dare  nika to braid daigo 's hair  and one ask who  do you ship

Olivia: wow ok let's start with the ask i ship  hoji and wakiya  ,  daigo and valt and ben and ken

Celine and gigi : i have to many ships

Shu : i ship ben and ken too

Valt : i ship zac and akira

Ben : i ship valt and shu

Ker: shalt forever

Wakiya: ben and ken

Everyone else say  ben and ken or that they don't ship anyone

David: ok now my dares  . Nika  , do you want to start

Nika: ok * starts to braid daigo 's hair *

David : ok now valt kiss Celine

Valt : ehm ok * blushes and kisses Celine *

Celine : * blushes and kisses back *

Gigi : * takes pics* you two are so cute together but now shu kiss Olivia

Shu : well * kisses Olivia *

Olivia: O///O

Celine : * takes pictures *

David: now yugo go and make ukyo jealous

Yugo :  ok  * kisses gigi *

Ukyo: * gets jealous *  what the heck

Celine : is someone jelly * smirks *

Ukyo:  shut up

Gigi : ehm ok ... Celine , do you have some dares too

Celine : of course ! my first dare is for shu . I dare him to go on a date with Olivia . I dare my brother to kiss his crush and i want a hug from valt

Valt : yey i love hugs * hugs  her tight*

Gigi : ok if you need help tell me

Celine: ok

Nika : I'm done  now daigo looks better

Daigo: -_-

Gigi : he still cute

After twenty minutes

Celine: now you can help me

Olivia: valt let her go

Valt : no

Gigi: valt if you don't let her go i will destroy valtriek

Valt : ok you won

Gigi : yey now shu and Olivia you have to go on a date

Shu : ok come on * takes her hand *

Celine : should we follow them

Gigi : of course 

Ukyo : can i come too

Gigi : yeah why not

While shu and Olivia have a great time , the three take a lots of pictures

Celine: that was fun but before i forgot ukyo kiss your crush

Ukyo:  do i have to

Gigi : yeah i want to know

Ukyo: fine * kisses gigi on the cheek and disappears in the shadow*

Gigi : ehm O///O

Celine : now you know it 

Lui : leave more asks and

Celine: dares

Lui : hey i wanted to say that

Celine : i don't care ! Bye

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