dare 4

912 19 1

Gigi: Hey where is Celine

Celine: I'm right here and have more dares . The most are from insta or from my friends . Oh and gigi what about the nicknames

Gigi : oh yeah here is the list

Valt:= cook expert
Shu= champ
Ken = doggie
Daigo= master creep
Wakiya= lord snooty
Rantaro = douchebag
Yugo = mr clean
Ukyo = shadow stalker
Jin = zombie
Lui= troll 
Akira =bubblegum boi
Quon = skater boi
Ben = benny the bunny ( idk where i read it but i think it's a good one )
Free= sleepy

Did i forget anyone?

Celine: i think you gave everyone a nickname

Ben: I'm not a bunny I'm a beast

Gigi and Celine: if you think so ...

Free: why sleepy ... * yawns*

Celine: i think you can answer this for yourself

Gigi : oh and because zac has a nickname , call him zachary

Zac : what ? why ?  I'm zac the sunshine

Gigi : can be but for us you are zackary and now let's start with the dares

Celine : yeah ok the first is for quon ehm i mean skater boi

Quon : what is it

Celine: you have to teach valt how to skate

Quon : ok i will try it  come on valt

Gigi : while there are away , we continue whit the dares

Celine: ok my friend wants shalt to kiss

Valt: whats shalt ?

Gigi: your and shu' s shipname

Shu: oh well * blushes and kisses valt*

Valt: * kisses back *

Celine and gigi: *taking pics*

Celine: should we post them

Gigi : hell yes

Shalt: what ? No

Gigi: ups to late

Celine : and we got a lots of likes * smiles*

Shalt: we gonna kill you both

Gigi: later ! first the next dare

Celine: ok next dare is for hoji . Wait where's hoji

Gigi : *screams * hoji come over here or you ...

Hoji : jeez I'm here . What is the dare

Celine : you have to lock  lui and shu together in a room

Hoji : if you want them to kill each other  ...

Gigi: shut up and do it

Hoji : ok fine

Hoji steals spriggan and luinor , put them on a table and waits until they notice that their beys aren't in their pockets  anymore ...

Shu : hey where's spriggan ?

Lui : i can't find luinor too

Hoji: i think you forgot them in this room

Lui and shu go into the room and grab their beys while   hoji locks the door

Shu : please let me out * is kicking the door *  why it has to be him

Gigi: because it's a dare and now you will be in this room for the next three hours 

Lui : i don't want to be with that in the same room

Shu: -_-

Celine: i don't care next dare it's for free

Free: *wakes up* huh ?

Gigi : you got a dare , sleepy

Free: what is it ?

Celine: you have to stay awake for the next four chapters

Free: * yawns * i will try

Celine: ok ... valt , quon come over here !

Valt and quon: * are coming with skateboards *

Gigi: cook expert , show us what he taught you

Valt : ok * starts skateboarding *

Quon : * covers his eyes * i can't look please tell me when it's over

Celine: actually he does it quite well

Valt: yeah I'm actually really good at everything *loses control and crashes into a tree *

Gigi : of course ...

Wakiya : what the hell happened to my kitchen

Gigi: you mean " who " * laughs *

Wakiya : who did that

Gigi : yugo

Yugo : what ? Why always me

Celine : you better start to run

Yugo: * gets chased by wakiya*

Daigo: why did you do that this time

Gigi : i thought it would be funny to see him being chased by wakiya and i was right

Quon : i have to admit that it is pretty funny * laughs *

Celine: i think we can let lui and shu out of the room

Gigi : ok * opens the door * are you two alive ?

Shu : I'm finally out of this room !

Lui : five minutes later and i would have killed myself

Celine : * whispers to gigi *at least shalt don't remember that they wanted to kill us

Valt : what did she say

Gigi : ehm ... leaves more asks and dates bye *runs with Celine away *

Valt : did i say something wrong ?

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