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why have I decided to finally let my words out you might ask.
It all came down if I wanted to go back to one of my old passions that I have lost throughout my way.
But however, over these past two years my passion began to shrink and my words become more simple and shallow and you will notice that throughout the way.
However, there's still something I feel about this; for I haven't stopped writing at least in my phone's notes or in paper and pen to get something off my chest.
Writing is a way for me to express myself without getting in anyone's way. I do it to hide myself from the others.
But I have set a challenge to accept myself.
By accepting myself and putting myself out there. For not being scared to be me.
Become my young self but with better qualities and lessons learned.
Here's my explanation .
{{ to show my true colors }}

ѕpeaĸTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang