A Safe Haven

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My name is Katniss Everdeen. I'm surviving the zombie apocalypse. I've been protecting my little sister Prim along with the love of my life Peeta. We're very low on food and the walkers are at every corner. The corpses are what we call walkers.

Walkers eat the living and the living then turn into walkers. That's the new circle of life for you.

"There's a prison up ahead!" Peeta ran breathlessly to Prim and me.

"Are there people? Or is it overran?" I asked anxiously.

"I saw people and a man asked me three questions and said we could stay," he said with a smile. Gosh, it's been forever since I seen him smile. "There's kids there, too," he added, directing it to my 14 year old sister. She beamed at the thought of being around people her age.

"Let's get going then" I exclaimed to them and we raced like children to the prison. A man with a crossbow opened the gate and looked at me. He noticed my bow and smirked.

"I'm Daryl Dixon," he said with a deep, southern accent. "Y'all look hungry. The kitchen is down the way a bit and ya can ask Carol for some deer. I caught it last night so it's fresh," he added. I smiled. I know we would get along.

I realized that Prim had already ran to the kitchen so we raced after her. The lady who I assumed was Carol, smiled at my little sister and started cooking some deer. Gosh, I haven't had any deer in a while and I could already smell the great aroma.

A boy about Prim's age stepped out and started talking to her. He wore a sheriff's hat and had brown hair to his shoulders. Prim actually looked sincerely happy for once so I let them be.

After 20 minutes, the deer was finished and Carol handed us plates. "Thank you," I told her and I nearly devoured my plateful.


"What's your name?" a cute boy who looked around my age asked.

"Primrose Everdeen. You can call me Prim, though. Whats your name?" I asked him.

"Carl Grimes. I'm fourteen. Are you around that age?" he replied.

I nodded. Then Carol handed me a plateful of deer. Since it's been about a week since my last meal, I scarfed it all down and thanked Carol. She seemed like a kind lady.

When I finished Carl showed me to a cell in which I were to share with Katniss and Peeta.

"Thanks," I told him.

"No problem," he replied with a smirk. "You can hang around with me if you want. All the other kids are twelve and under besides Beth and Patrick and they're really nice."

"Sure," I replied. I really liked this place and I've probably never been happier within these two years of the apocalypse.

A girl with blonde hair walked out of a cell with a baby. My heart melted in my chest when I saw the baby.

"That's Beth. She's seventeen and that beautiful little baby is my baby sister, Judith. Beth takes care of her, becau-" he paused a frowned.

"It's alright. You don't have to tell me why," I told him. I got the vibe that something bad happened and I didn't want him sad.

He just nodded and put on an obviously forced smile.

"So what's your name?" Beth asked with a warm smile.

"Primrose Everdeen. Call me Prim," I replied back. Then out of no where I heard loud arguing. Beth and Carl walked to the noise so I did too. Two girls, younger than me, were arguing.

"You don't understand them, Lizzie! You cant talk or play with them! They'll kill you! That's what happened to Mom!" a girl who looked about 10 cried.

"No, you don't understand them, Mika! They're just sick people!" the girl who I assumed was Lizzie yelled at Mika.

Beth broke up the argue many and Carl pulled me away from them.


Peeta and I were getting shown around by a man who was the leader, named Rick Grimes. We were back in the kitchen and Peeta was talking with Carol about cooking. I smiled at them. A strong hand tapped me on my shoulder. Surprised, I whipped my head around to see Daryl behind me.

"You wanna go huntin? 'Cause I'm 'bout to go and everybody else has other jobs to do," he stated.

I smiled and nodded. "Sure," I replied and walked out with him.

We talked for a while and I realized how much alike we were. Almost like brother and sister.

I told him about the Hunger Games and Prim and everything. Thinking about it all makes me wonder what's worse; Walkers or President Snow? Sadly, walkers are even more humane than Snow was and that says a lot.

"Snow's dead, I hope?" he asked after I shot a squirrel and put it in my bag.

"Nobody knows. All the power went out before anyone could find out," I explained. You see, Georgia is beyond the districts. The nearest district would be 13, but that's still far off. Before the 74th Hunger Games, I planned on running away to Georgia with my best friend, Gale and our families.

Gale died a long time ago. It's been two years since this all started and he got trapped that very day in the mines and walkers were there and got him. I pushed that depressing thought away and I focus on what we're doing. Something I enjoyed for a depressing reason. Oh well.

"There's a man that sounds like the President Snow type of person or also known as an asshole. He hates us all at the prison. He killed my older brother, Merle, and other loved ones," Daryl remarked.

"What was his name?" I asked nervously.

"Phillip Blake. Mostly everyone calls him The Governor," he replied. The Governor sounds a lot like President Snow. Maybe a little too much.

We walked silently for a while. Daryl pointed slightly to the left and that's when I saw it. It was the first coyote I've seen in months.

"Go ahead," he whispered so the coyote wouldn't hear us. I smiled and I put my arrow in my bow. Stretching it out far enough, I shot it in the head. Together, we stuffed the animal in his bag and walked back to the prison. When we arrived, Peeta was making dinner with Carol and I smiled to myself.

We had finally found a place.

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