Naka Rose is a lovely 18 year old. As you may have witnessed in the encounter with Eustass Kid, Rose had a sadistic side she formed during her time with Dr. Vulcan.
Rose is mostly a lovely girl, but triggering her sadistic side is quite deadly, and is suggested not to be done.
Her Devil Fruit:
Her devil fruit is a mythical zoan type- white stag. She is able to drain everything, except for water. Even things that aren't considered "Living" she is able to drain "Life" from it. When Rose drains things, she needs her antlers to hold the blue swirls. The more compressed they are, the more damage they will do.
When Rose drains actual "Life" from living things, she is able to store it and become stronger, this ,however, causes her to lean more to her sadistic side.
There is a couple of things that will immediately take her out of her sadistic side. Those will be revealed later.
When Rose drains "life" from things, she is able to put it back, unless she already fired it, but she can use some of the stored "life" to replaced the ones she lost.
The "life" she drains and stored can be manifested into anything she desires, but it is limited to the amount she has stored. She is able to drain herself from life, thus killing herself.
More stuff about her devil fruit will appear as the story progresses.
Affects from the Experiments:
During Rose's 2 year enslavement with Dr. Vulcan, she has grown a resistance to large concentrations of pain. She grew numb to the feeling. She also gained rapid regeneration. Her body mends itself at a very fast pace.This, however, doesn't mean she can't die. Mere flesh wounds will not kill her. Decapitation will not kill her, She can just stick her head back on her shoulders and it will reconnect itself. She heals at a faster pace than she dies.(Just imagine deadpool or logan)
Her regeneration is not affected by seastone since it is not a devil fruit power.
Like it was mentioned earlier, She gained a sadistic side. This side is like a power boost since she isn't held back by humane emotions. She couldn't care less about killing someone, or something. Nothing is holding back her powers. She will not, and i repeat, WILL NOT feel sympathetic.
It is not like one of those cliche movies where they are like "It's me, Jack. don't you remember? reach deep inside yourself and find that memory~" There are only certain things that can stop her, and that is it.
Rose also gained the ability to receive another devil fruit. She is not bound by one devil fruit. This one is also affected by the sea. (She got it when she was wandering the island when she turned 16. She never told anybody, and is not planning to unless she absolutely needs to, or if she ends up using it when she is in her sadistic side.)
During her time she spent with Whitebeard, she was able to learn how to easily turn into a white stag.
During her time back at home, she was training real hard to use her devil fruit. She wanted to protect her family.
Rose's Second Devil Fruit:
Her other devil fruit is chi-chi no mi (Blood blood fruit)
She is able to control blood. Including the one in someone else's body. Rose can cause their blood to run wild in their body to the point where their veins burst, thus killing them. Rose can control their body too. She can freeze them in their spot, or make them move against their will.
Rose can also turn into blood, since it is a logia type.
This devil fruit is deadly to both her and her opponent.

Powerhouse|| Onepiece Fanfiction
FanfictieNaka Rose was only young when she was taken away from her family while getting her mother a birthday gift. • • • • • What will happen to her? Don't forget to--- Vote Comment