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Do you know me?

No. Not the girl that seems to have it all. That is the outside me.

Do you know how my life really is?

How my family really is?

Didn't think so.

Yes, yes. I know everyone sees me as "rich and a go get it" kinda person.

They base it off my looks, my house,everything other then the things that actually matter.

This is where the saying "Don't judge a book by it's cover" comes into play.

They judge the people that have ragedy looking clothes as poor.

They judge the people who get good grades and have a good future as losers.

They judge the people who express when they are sad as depressed.

People don't take time to ask a person how they are.

They don't take the time to see how a person really is.

To see how the person ticks. To see how they function.

That girl you called fat?  She has a eating disorder.

That boy you called gay?  He is in a commited relationship with a girl of five years.

What we appear to be is never the true us.

Sometimes, the true us is hard to figure out.

It takes hard work, love, and friendship with some people to see them.

Sometimes, if you just take the time to ask, you can know a true person.

Nobody is perfect. We all have our flaws.

The girl that wears all the expensive clothing? Her and her mom are struggling to keep food in the kitchen because they both depend on their looks.

The popular boy?  Has abusive parents that could care less about how he feels.

We all have our perks. But, at the same time, we have our flaws.

We all have our stories.

Welcome to mine.



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