flexible || oikawa tooru

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"Ohayo Iwaizumi-senpai!" You chirped, taking a seat next to him.

"Ohayo [Surname]," Iwaizumi replied, not looking up from his bento.

It was currently lunch time at Seijoh. Here, you would eat lunch with Iwaizumi every day on the rooftop. How did you become friends you ask? You met Iwaizumi one day at the local when he saw you lift an awfully weight and your arms almost gave out. He prevented a horrendous accident from happening to your face, and from then on out you two became workout partners. It wasn't long before you both discovered that you shared the same high school and that brings us to where we are now. Since then, you and Iwaizumi have gotten closer as friends.

"Oh by the way Iwaizumi-senpai, you left your jacket at my house yesterday," You said, handing over the said article of clothing. Just as Iwaizumi was about to grab his jacket, the door to the rooftop slammed open.

"OHAYO IWA-CHAN~!! The ever-handsome Oikawa is here!" Oikawa loudly announced.

Both Iwaizumi and yourself stared blankly at Oikawa before going back to eating your lunches.

"Oh, I've been ignored. . ." Oikawa muttered sadly to himself. Huffing, he sat in between you and Iwaizumi.

"So, introduce me to your girlfriend, Iwa-chan," Oikawa commanded.

"She's not my girlfriend, Trashykawa," Iwaizumi deadpanned.

"Oh no! Does that mean girls find gorillas attractive now?!" Oikawa said dramatically.

"Oi! If you've come to ruin our lunch you've already succeeded, now shoo, Trashykawa!" You said, standing up and pointing at said tra--er, person.

"You're just too cute, Chibi-chan," Oikawa chuckled, standing to his full height and towering over your meager stature.

Irked, you said, "Who're you calling chibi-chan?! My name is [Name] [Surname]!"

"You, of course," He answered.

"Why I oughta--!" You delivered a swift kick to the side of his face. As Oikawa reeled back from the pain, you huffed and turned back. "I'm sorry Iwaizumi-senpai, but I've gotta go," You curtly apologized before turning your heel.

"Ouch. . ."

"Karma, Oikawa, Karma," Iwaizumi said, patting his back before leaving the rooftop as well, snickering slightly to himself.

"Oh, wait for me Iwa-chan!" Oikawa called, following Iwaizumi.


It had been a full week since you'd first 'met' Oikawa Tooru. During that week, it was hell for you since Oikawa didn't stop pestering you for your number.

It was finally Friday, and you were with the cheer leading club practicing your program.

It was time for the big finish, where you'd be thrown into the air and land a split atop the three-dimensional pyramid. Alright, this is it. . . You thought, heart going a mile a minute.

As your fellow cheerleaders helped you mount the pyramid, they cast you smiles and said 'you can do it!'. You smiled back at them before getting aerial. The wind gushed around you as you reached the apex of your leap, you spread your legs as you descended. The girls at the top of the pyramid caught you by your thighs, and you threw your arms in the air, breathless.

"Bravo!" The coach remarked, clapping. "Good job everybody! Now rest up for tomorrow and go home," All the cheerleaders rejoiced and did as they were told.

As you walked out the gymnasium with your fellow cheerleader friend Naomi, you asked her, "Naomi, who are we cheering for tomorrow again? I already forgot,"

"Huh? How could you forget, [Name]? We're cheering for the volleyball boys' club at their game tomorrow, duh," Naomi reminded you.

"V-volleyball boys' club?" You froze.

"Yeah, is there something wrong with that?" She asked, eyebrows raised.

"That means Oikawa will be there!" You exclaimed.

"Why? Do you have a crush?" Naomi asked in a singsong voice.

"What? Of course not! Like anyone would actually fall for someone so arrogant," You scoffed.

"Say what you want but you can't deny it~~"

"Pfft, whatever Naomi. . ."

You both walked home laughing, although the thought of Oikawa watching you made your stomach churn the slightest bit.


"Let's go Seijoh, let's go!" Chants filled the air as the performance neared its end.

You did a few cartwheels on your way to the pyramid. You slipped inside the structure where some male cheerleaders were already waiting. "Good luck," one said, as they threw you through the mouth of the pyramid.

During the few seconds of air time, you had caught the eyes of the entire audience. You saw Oikawa, who stared at you in awe. You beamed and winked at him before splitting in mid-air and landing in the hands of the girls atop the human pyramid.

There was a silence before the audience burst out clapping and yelling. Everyone dismounted the pyramid gracefully, blowing kisses to the crowd.

You smiled and waved breathlessly, the biggest smile on your face. You and the rest of the cheerleaders exit the court and the next set resumes.


"Ohayo, [Surname]-chibi-chan," Oikawa grinned at you.

You refused to say anything. Oikawa currently had you trapped against the wall, him staring down at you.

"I really enjoyed your performance," He said, twirling a lock of your hair. "But maybe you can use that flexibility for something else. . ." He watched as the shade of red you sported on your cheeks turned a shade darker.


Hey guys, it's been a while now hehehe. . . sorry if the cheerleading thing is a tad bit inaccurate, i don't know this kinda shiz. Hope you enjoyed anyhow.

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