In The Morning

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Dedicated to : cold_lady19

For being my favourite writer.

Started: 29th December 2017

I am glad you opened my story.

Hope you'll enjoy:)

Song for the chapter is "How far I'll go" by Moana

In The Morning

          The slightest of things in the universe can change the course of our lives. So maybe the simple incident in the morning and the mood it creates, stays with you for the whole day.

Or maybe throughout.

You speak of devil. The one who goes a thousand of ways to make your life miserable in every possible way it can be made. Just know the only devil incarnate in my life is my mother.

I know mothers are beautiful and gorgeous and that they were sent here in earth 'cause God has a so busy schedule that He cannot be with us the whole time. But in my case it isn't. She was sent to me to make my life anything but happy. And I guess that's what creates differences between me and the other girls in my classroom. Not that I want to be like them.

"Would you like accompanying me to the washroom, Phillipa ? "a girl asked with a sweet voice and now,if we double up the sweetness , we get the smile.

I can't handle that face, it makes me diabetic because that's obviously fake.

That blonde with glossy lips has a name April. A name so sweet. I wish I could see that sweetness in her behavior too, when her besties, more like gangs were present. Thanks to god that our school has annual football matches but no cheer leading team. Otherwise we should have seen her talents in that. It's weird that she's among the popular students in here without being good in studies or sports. Not to mention she's good in cultural programmes like dances and drama(like in real life too) and maybe that's the reason of the four digit number likes in her social media.

"No! " glancing at her once and then moving my eyes back to my books. Yeah I'm trying to be rude.

'Cause I can't fake anymore to be good to those whom I have secretly hated.

The bell has just rung for the first break. She was standing in front of my desk leaning her thin body.

"Whatever!" she frowns and rolls her eyes, gives her back to me in a second to walk out of the classroom.

"Yeah whatever! " I mumble as I see her anger in her back. She couldn't hear me. I was saved from that sweet face turning into cruel as I shift my eyes on the pencil I had used just now to mark difficult words.

I wasn't doing anything important, I was just pretending to do things on my desk. You know things like aimlessly flipping through the pages of The Arms and the Man book of which we had a class just now or zipping and unzipping my pencil bag or interchanging the pen caps or doing a little bit of artwork on the bookends. I have nobody to discuss about the movie I'd watched yesterday or about the hero in the romance novel that I've recently read or just any normal thing to chitchat with. So I sit here all alone when it's a bad weather and I can't sit on my bench out near the school cafeteria.

I hear someone's stepping in the empty classroom. I don't remove my eyes off my desk but my ears are open.

"Hey, Phillipa you are the one who always stays back in the classroom in the breaks right? " to my surprise April walks in again and speaks out like she had forgot to say something important.

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