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Yan Da snuggled closer to the soft bed beneath her. She sighed in contentment, feeling the warmth that seeped into her being. She continued like that for a few minutes before remembering what happened to her a while ago. In an instant, she was up. Her eyes met the surprised gaze of Shi who quickly averted his eyes from her naked form.

"Y-you..." Yan Da said, covering herself up when she realized that she was naked. "What did you do to me?"

"I saved your life." Shi answered still not looking at her. "I'm sorry but I had to undress you to do it."

Yan Da's brows furrowed, looking around. She saw her ruined dress and her blood on it. She also smelt the poison.

So, he did save her... Her gaze then went back to him. She bit her lip, wanting to tease him a little. She found his innocent and gentleman acts cute. Slowly, she got up. The blanket covered her chest and the rest of her body. But she let her shoulders and parts of her back exposed.

"Hmm... is that all?" she stated. "Are you sure you didn't do anything to me beside that?"

She saw his brows met. Quickly turning his back to her when he saw her approach him. Yan Da then smirked in mischief.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." He replied. Eyes down.

"Really?" she whispered, going in front of him. "Then why is my hair undone?"

She tilted his chin, making him look at her. She smiled when he saw him gulped. "What is your name?"

"Y-yun Fei."

"Well Yun Fei. What should I do? According to our laws and tradition, I'm only allowed to marry the first man who saw and touched my body. If that man ever rejects me, I have the right to take his life and mine after."

Shi's eyes widen at that. "W-what?"

Yan Da let go of him." It's as you've heard."

Shi couldn't believe what he had heard. He knew that the mortal realm had their own traditions and laws but this... "But I only did it to save your life."

Yan Da hid a smirk. So, he's going that way... She wouldn't give up that easily though. She decided to do everything that she wouldn't be able to do once she gets back to the fire tribe. There's a lot that could happen. If her father won, then another war would break out. War where she needed to fight and her fate unsure. She could die any time. She didn't want to die without experiencing love. No.

"Hm...? How about this just for today... you'll be my husband." She said, kneeling down and cupping his face with her palm. Thumb brushing his cupid's bow lips.

Shi's forehead creased. His eyes fixed on hers, contemplating. A minute later and he nodded. She smiled, leaning in. She kissed him, sealing the deal.

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