August 10, 2015

23 4 0

My mood has been significantly better over the past few days, but something still feels off...I can't place the reason for this. Why am I like this? Sometimes, I get stressed and melancholic for no apparent reason. I feel cold, too, but its more of an internal feeling than outwards (since it's like 80 degrees F outside). I was really tired today, too.

Even when I have good days, there is always something nagging me in the back of my mind. What is it? Sometimes I know and sometimes I don't. All I know is that it hurts...emotionally, which impacts my everything.

But, I actually want to discuss something else. Lately, I kind of think that Japan and South Korea has been affecting me negatively (slightly). I know for me I'm easily sensitive, so I would mentally die if I step foot in South Korea (over-dramatic, I know). It seems...Ah, nevermind...I can't explain. I will later.

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