school day

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when someone comes in your life it is either to teach you a lesson or come as a blessing

this girl is the daughter of 2 CCG's best investigators.both parents the best agents in Tokyo.they wanted their daughter to be apart of the CCG.but since she was young she refused to answer but she will answer once she decided.but in the meantime her parents taught her to fight and to defend herself.they taught her since she was able to make a bruise on a kid's eye, she was only 5 when it happened, so she has been training for her whole life.but the 15-year-old girl was in the same grade with her best friend who is 17.easier to explain, she got extra lessons making her skip a few grades.but she became badass since she was pretty it was a bonus for the boys.they liked her but she never liked them back.she never had a boyfriend so she has virgin lips.but she didn't care.but her parents would be nagging her about getting a boyfriend but the teen refused.but too bad life gave her one.and in her surprise he was different from the other guys.

this girl's name is Akane Suzuki

*present day*

i groaned as i hit the alarm clock to make it shut hands rub my eyes before I get off my bed and dragged myself to my closet.I pulled this out

I slip on my hat and let my side bangs cover my left eye I put on my eyeliner and mascara.I looked at myself then I slipped on my shoes.I smiled then walked to my dresser.I opened the top drawer to reveal my weapon that I never leave without

my twin guns.yeah my parents let me have one.for 'protection' has Q bullets for ghouls and a normal gun for humans.I lifted my pant leg that held a gun holder under the clothing.i placed the gun in the holder and went out of my room and went to the parents were about to leave for work." oh morning honey.there is some pancakes and a smoothie" my dad says grabbing his shoes." be a good sweetie.and make sure to come back in one piece" my mom says.the reason why they are telling me this is because they don't come back until it is really late.and for me, I sometimes go out while they are gone.and the last time I left without my gun and I almost got eaten.but good thing Mr. Mado saved me but he didn't save me from the lecturing i got.

i nod my head after they both kissed my forehead.i watched my parents leaving, leaving me alone in a slient home. i walked to the table after letting out a sigh.i was used to my parents leaving me in the wasn't new.if i was like any other teen i would have put parties and other things like that.but i am not.i sit on a chair and start eating the pancake while playing with my necklace.i was thinking of grabbing my 3Ds (it is a game thing.look it up if u don't know).or going through my photos in my camera to see if there is any art i can draw.but i decided to take my phone and earbuds.i go in my room and grabbed my backpack.i slinged it over my shoulder and walked out the door.

*a little time passed*

i enter the school still listening to music still.i go to my locker and noticed my best friend, touka was waiting there for me."hey purple-chan"i said as she looks from her phone."hey akane,finally u came "she says putting away her phone."so how is life"i said as i did the combination to my locker."same as always"she says."want me to visit u after school at your work"i asked."alright, i don't see why not"she says with a smile."great, i had nothing to do after school"i said as i grabbed my textbooks and homework and replaced it with my backpack." ok then see u after school then"she says walking away."u do remember that we go to the same school and some same classes right"i called out."oh yeah i forgot"she calls out.she waves at me before walking away

when i first met touka she was harsh but that soon changed,i guess she is like a tsundere.i am surprised that not many boys aren't interested in her.she has short purple hair and purple eyes.but if she can change her attitude then that changes things.but after getting to know the girl,she is pretty nice.a horrible past but nice person.well wasn't hard for me to figure out for many reasons other then being the daughter of CCG investigators.she never eats and if she does,she leaves to go to the bathroom and comes back out.she is always calm.if she does get mad or frustrated she will request some alone time.even once this guy fell and got come cuts, she was slients before she left me on the spot.but still i get why she wouldn't tell parents are the best CCG investigators.Of course she wouldn't,she will think i will tell my parents of her.but trust me i wouldn't and besides i wouldn't need their help i can end a ghoul's life on my own.

but i didn't kill touka, i just couldn't.

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