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i looked up to see the ghoul i have been studying." never call my name unless you're looking for trouble" she sang.i stood up with my hand on the wall.i glared at the ghoul before feeling something wet dripping from my heart pounded as i realized what it was." it's u"i say.the ghoul looks at me "u are the one who put my mom in a coma"i say angrily." oh that human, she looked tasty, and do i smell blood?" she says.then her ukaku appears and her eyes changes into black and red." now i am kinda hungry" she says running at me as my eyes widen.touka comes in and she attacks Mrs.Jason." leave her alone"touka yelled."u know.u should be kinder to ur elders child,"she says as she blocks touka's attacks.soon Mrs. Jason sent touka flying with a stab wound.i grabbed my gun and aimed it at the mad women.i shot but she was able to dodge.i am starting to think if i will even survive after this.she charges at me with hunger.i move to the side and dodge most of her attacks."touka, are done healing?" I ask backing up from the ghoul's attack." almost"i hear her say.i turn my head towards the women but before i can react.a swift move of her ukaku went over my left eye making me cry out in pain my bloody hand covers my eye that was slowly dripping with blood. in anger i shot a bullet in her leg and then her chest.she falls to the ground.i run away from her and ran to touka."are u alright?"she asks with a worried expression.i nod my head as she stands up.i smile but it faded when i felt a large amount of pain in my chest area."t-touka"i stuttered as blood coughed out.i looked at my chest to see Mrs. Jason's kagune sliding out of my chest leaving a large hole in my body.blood was everywhere.i felt weak."a-Akane"touka stuttered."run"i muttered looking back her before being slammed into a head was pounding.i felt my eyes getting heavy.i saw touka screaming at the older ghoul before attacking her.i close my eyes and open them again to see Mrs. Jason with ager in her eyes and touka in a battle stance.i finally close my eyes to only hear a loud scream before i felt i was being picked up but i let the darkness take over.

i wake in a white bed with a motor connected to me.i looked around to see touka in a chair next to me, sleeping.i soon realized that i was only seeing things from one eye which was my right one.i put my hand over my left eye to felt something like a patch or something.I ignore it.i saw some food next to me.i grabbed the glass of water and drank some.i saw some fish too so i grabbed a piece.once it went in my eyes widen, i quickly spit it out on the plate." what the-"i say as i sniffed the smelled bad i mean dog shit bad.i grabbed touka's hand.her only reaction was she smiled.i stared at the ceiling."child" I looked around to see no one expect touka." who is there"i ask still looking around."don't u recognize me?" i stopped." am i talking to a ghost?"i ask.but the only response was a laugh.then the voice went quiet.

i hear a knock." come on"i say sitting up.a nurse comes in." nice to see your finally are u feeling" she asks with a smile."great"i say with a smile."do u need anyting" she asks as i shake my head." no thank you"i say as she nods her head."do u know how u got here"she asks.i blink "um so far i can remeber being pushed into a wall.and got a cut on me eye "i start."well ur friend said that u and her were both attacked by a drunk women who were trying to kill u.ur friend had tried to fight the women.somehow the women tripped and stabbed herself."she says as i look at touka."she is a good friend.she stayed with u for the whole time u been out" she says."how long would that be"i ask."2 days"she says as i smile "yeah she is a pretty good friend"i say as the nurse smiles."well then call if u need anything"the nurse says walking out.

i poke touka."let me sleep"she slurrs before moving a bit."wake up purple-chan"i say.her eyes finally open."akane"she says looking at me." about time"i smiled.she wraps her arms around me and pulls me into a hug."don't fucking scare me like that again, u motherfucker" she says as she starts to cry."oh sorry i didn't mean to be a lazy ass and refuse to wake up for 2 days"i say as i patted her back."no i am sorry Akane.i am sorry.i ruined ur life."she sobs."what do u mean"i ask.she looks into my eye."u are not fully human anymore"

"now do u know who i am?"

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