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i finally finish my work.touka told me to go to her room to wait for her because i was going to sleepover at her place for a bit sue to my dad not stable with his emotions.kaneki went and checked on banjo once in a while.i was very surprised that kaneki was able to knock out a meat sack like banjo!but i was curious on why he was questioning about rize, like doesn't he know? i sat on her bed staring at the wall."child,u need eat.i am so hungrey" i shake my head."well a ghoul's hunger is utter hell,besides he is looking for u remember"i heard something break from the lower level from the eyes widen as i slowly made my way down.i heard voices "should i kill u half to death, until u cough out blood" i knew that voice.i opened the door a bit and slowly peeked to see the glass broken from the now open window and ayato.what the hell!?then the door opens to reveal a tall buff man in a white suit and white hair.i knew him he was yamori or jason.and there was a thin man with lipstick and a double chin behind yamori."as i was saying." i blink."Yamori?what are u doing here"ayato asks."trying to find the human who had my wife's body parts"he says looking around."with my good nose.her smell was led here"the weird looking man eyes widen as i realized they are looking for me!

-time skip

i couldn't believe it.touka was on the ground and yamori was beating up kaneki.i wanted to help but i can't i am too weak.i am not strong enough.and if i do use my kagune, i could lose control.and i haven't ate! "so would u like to tell me where the human is?"yamori says as he grabs kaneki by the neck.i gasp as kankei struggles, he wasn't strong enough.suddenly yamori starts smelling the air again.then his face snaps towards my direction.he drops kaneki to the ground and starts walking to the door to me.i quickly dashed to touka's room.i ran to her closet and hid under her clothes.i heard the footsteps get closer then i heard the door slammed open.i gasp, i covered my mouth so i was only able to hear my heard breathing. the footstps were getting closer to the room i was in.suddenly the door to touka's room, where i was hiding was kicked open.i clenched my hand over my mouth to stop the sounds that was coming out."i can smell her.she is here"he says. i heard a bunch of crashing, realizing he is destorying her room, he stops.fear grew more as there was slience.before i think of going out of the closet i heard a dark chuckle.soon footsteps were coming towards the closet.i never been this scared in my life.then the closet door slam open, the looked of his face looked a like a killer looking for his last victum." found ya"he says then grabs me."stop! no!"i yelled trying to punch him."really?my wife is stronger then that.u are really weak"he says as he drags me down."i got what i wanted.bring that one-eyed freak too"yamori says then everything turns black.

-time skip

i wake up in a chair in a large room.i look around to see kaneki still sleeping but he is also tied up.i look next to me to see tools u will find in a torture room or when doing surgery.i started to panic, what do i do?!then i started to hear muttering, i turned to kaneki "kaneki"i say trying to reach him but my hands and feet were chained to the chair."kaneki wake up before i spit on u"i say hoping he will wake up."kaneki"i groaned.i tried to get my kagune out but i remembered.i didn't eat much."no way out now" i roll my eyes."akane"he mutters as i growled."WAKE UP DAMNIT"i yelled as his eyes snapped open.he was bout to fall but then chains."akane?where are we?"he asks as i shurg."how will i know?!i was kidnapped and i wake up in here with u"i snapped.then the door opens.we both look to see yamori wearing his signature jason mask.i gulp as he grabs a needle."finally u both are awake.time for my fun."he walks to the table where the torture tools lay."u know that the ghoul's skin is so hard, that there is only one thing to make the body soft and weak"he says as he puts some kind of liquid in the needle."but sadly there is only one place to put it where it can go in"he says as walks to me."IN THE MEMBRANE"he yells as he shoves the needle in my eye.i let out a scream that can break glass.kaneki sat there in fear, calling my name."don't worry, the fun is only beginning"yamori laughs.

-time skips again becuz i am lazy

i don't know how long we were in here.but we did lose a lot of fingers and toes to filled many buckets, that is what he did wanted.i never felt so much pain in my life, nor needed to heal so many times so quickly.after cutting them he would feed us and watch our body heal itself before chopping it off again.he made us count backwards from 1000 by 7.and since his wife was in me, i got more pain.i was going crazy, so was was our fault that couple died.kaneki nor me wanted to choose and now they are both dead.why did i listen to my mother?kindness gets me nowhere.i screamed louder then kaneki as yamori puts a deathstalker scorpion on my lap while the red-headed centipede was in my was more painful since i was blinded folded which kapt the centipede in my ear.we both screamed out in pain.kaneki had a redhead centipede in his ear too but he was more lucky.i thought i was going ot die, but i didn't.when will this end?!

-time skips again, don't be mad

i stared at the white ground.then i felt a hand go on my cheek.i look up and cleanched my teeth "why, who are u" i muttered as she smiles."i always wanted a child, but yamori didn't which made me mad.i ran out then i bumped into u 2 girls-" "who are u!"i snapped as she sighs." my name is Misaki sakura" she kneeling to me."u seem like a perfect daughter" she says with a smile then she frowned "but sadly u let kindness get to u.nothing like that will let u live in this is either kill or be killed for us ghouls."she says.she stands up with a sigh "if u were stronger.then u wouldn't be like this, just by acting nice and pretending to be human makes u look stupid" she says."as human u were strong.but they can't always save u."she says."remember that day when u gave a bunny to that boy, stupid"she walks to the side and sits against the chair" well look now.he didn't even help u" she says as i clench my fist."u were always good at keeping promises.but ur mother promised that she would still love u no matter what, but..."she says as the  memory appeared in my head." after u confessed to her that u are a ghoul,she frowned.then died" she says as a tear escapes my eyes.

"after all no one is messed is the world that is messed up.they say that ghouls are destroying families.but look at them, they are destroying families too"she says as she put a hand on my shoulder.i look up "kill that kindness.bring what u will need to survive the world" she says as she wipes away my tears.i nod my head "i won't let anyone put me down.i am still the same person,but this time i will kill."i say as my hair turned white."that's my beat his ass"she says as i nod my head

i look at kaneki to see his hair white too."nice hair"i say as he looks at me and smiles a bit."we look old"he says as i chuckle."yeah. but what will touka say"i say as kaneki looked at me."we can't go back"he says looking down."i know"i look down as well.then the doors open, i knew it was yamori."well they are coming, i had a lot of fun.but sadly it ends here, so I'll just eat u both.u don't mind don't ya"he laughs.i look at him with my ghoul eye.kaneki does the same."i'll eat u first since i want to taste my wife in u"he says reaching to me.i only stared as he comes closer. i quickly snapped the chains and attacked.kaneki did the same.

-time skips

i feel empty.I felt nothing as me and kaneki pinned yamori down."now we teach u a lesson"i say as my ukaku turns hard and stabs him in the back.yamori screams out in pain "if u are so strong and cocky then that means u can still fight"i say as i dug my kagune deeper inside of him.he screams out in pain.i lick my lips and look at kaneki, he nods his head."say do u mind if we eat u?no, u wouldn't"i say as we both started eating him.yamori starts screaming telling us it hurts and to stop." hey u were going to eat us,it's only fair"kaneki says as we continue to eat.i never felt so much power in my whole life

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